Evaluating Arezzo expressions with the MACRO API

ArezzoEvaluateSubject - Evaluate a list of Arezzo expressions for a specified MACRO subject

ArezzoEvaluate - Evaluate Arezzo expressions at any level of a specified MACRO subject

ArezzoCheck - Check the syntax of a single Arezzo expression


An Arezzo expression may have an associated context (a particular MACRO subject, visit, eForm or question), which determines how terms are interpreted.  For example, the Arezzo keywords "visit", "form", "question" can only be evaluated in the context of a particular visit, eForm or question. Similarly, study terms such as "person:trialsite" or "person:personid" can only be evaluated in the context of a particular MACRO subject.


Some Arezzo expressions can be evaluated without an associated context, because they are not dependent on subject data, for example:

·       2 + 3

·       len( 'sausages' )

·       datenow + 5 years


The ArezzoEvaluateSubject method evaluates a list of expressions at the subject level for a specified MACRO subject.


The ArezzoEvaluate method can be called with XML that can contain expressions within any specified MACRO context (subject, visit, eForm or question), as well as expressions to be evaluated with no context.






Evaluate a list of Arezzo expressions for a specified MACRO subject.






Currently logged-in user as returned from Login


Study name


Site code


Subject ID


List of strings representing Arezzo expressions to be evaluated


public static bool ArezzoEvaluateSubject(UserProperties user, string study,

string site, int subjectid,

List<string> arezzoExprs, out List<API.ArezzoResult> results)



·       True or False indicating overall success or failure

·       results - list of evaluation results and whether each succeeded or failed.


The ArezzoResult object contains two properties:

·       Success - boolean, True if expression evaluated successfully, or false otherwise

·       Result – string, the value of the evaluated expression (may be empty string if evaluation failed)

There will be one ArezzoResult object in the returned list corresponding to each expression in the input list.


The returned value of the ArezzoEvaluateSubject() call will be False if any of the Study name, Site or Subject ID parameters is invalid, or if the subject does not exist, or if an unexpected error occurred.

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Evaluate Arezzo expressions at any level of a specified MACRO subject.






Currently logged-in user as returned from Login


XML string specifying Arezzo expressions to be evaluated


public static ArezzoEvaluateResult ArezzoEvaluate(UserProperties user,

string arezzoXml, ref string results)



·       Return code indicating success or nature of failure

·       results - XML string containing list of evaluation results, and details of any errors that occurred

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ArezzoEvaluate return codes

The ArezzoEvaluate routine returns an integer code as type ArezzoEvaluateResult indicating the result, as listed in the table below:







Operation completed successfully; the input XML was read and output XML successfully created


Invalid XML  

The XML input could not be read because it was incomplete or contained invalid syntax


Unknown error

An unexpected error occurred during evaluation


Note that even with a result of "Success", some errors may occur during evaluation, but these are listed separately in the output XML, as described below.


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Arezzo Expressions XML

A group of expressions is represented by a top level <ArezzoExpressions> tag, with an <ArezzoExpr> tag for each expression. Each Arezzo expression has an optional identifying code, to enable easier matching with the list of evaluation results.

Special Characters

Note that if an expression contains no "special" XML characters, it can be represented as the value of the "Expr" attribute. Otherwise, if it contains characters such as &, <, > etc., it must be written as CDATA.

No Context

The following XML will evaluate three expressions with no MACRO context, i.e. with no MACRO subject loaded:



 <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Expr="1 + 3"/>

 <ArezzoExpr Code="A2"> <![CDATA['London' & '/' & '23']]></ArezzoExpr>

 <ArezzoExpr Code="A3" Expr="datenow + 6 months"/>



The output will be as follows:


  <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Value="4" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="A2" Value="London/23" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="A3" Value="2015/02/13" />



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MACRO Context

Expression context may be added by specifying a MACRO subject, optionally with visits, eForms and questions, as for the InputSubjectData and GetSubjectData calls. Arezzo expressions will be evaluated at the level at which they appear. For example:



 <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Expr="1 + 3"/>

<MACROSubject Study="Demostudy40" Site="london" Id="1" >

  <ArezzoExpr Code="SubjID">

                <![CDATA[person:trialsite & '/' & person:personid]]>


  <ArezzoExpr Code="SubjDetails">

                <![CDATA[screening:cover:initials & '-' & screening:cover:subject]]>


  <Visit Code="Screening">

   <ArezzoExpr Code="VName" Expr="visit"/>

   <Eform Code="Cover">

    <ArezzoExpr Code="FName"><![CDATA[visit & ':' & form]]></ArezzoExpr>

    <ArezzoExpr Code="Age" Expr="time_diff(years, dobirth, datenow)"/>


   <Eform Code="Generalphysexam">

     <Question Code="Spec_Abn" Cycle="4" >

        <ArezzoExpr Code="Abn"><![CDATA[question:cycle & '-' & me:value]]></ArezzoExpr>


   </Eform>  </Visit>




If an Arezzo expression is at the question level, the term me:value automatically refers to the current stored value of the question.


The expressions will be evaluated as follows:

·       A1 – No context

·       SubjID, SubjDetails – At subject level for subject Demostudy40/london/1

·       VName – At visit level, for the visit Screening

·       FName, Age – At eForm level, with the eForm's responses loaded, for the eForm Cover in the Screening visit

·       Abn – At question level, where me:value refers to current question value


The output XML will be as follows:



  <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Value="4" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="SubjID" Value="london/1" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="SubjDetails" Value="ACE-246" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="VName" Value="screening" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="FName" Value="screening:cover" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="Age" Value="48" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="Abn" Value="4-Deaf as a doorpost" />



Evaluation errors

In ArezzoEvaluate(), if an expression cannot be evaluated (e.g. invalid syntax or missing data), the returned Value will be empty, the same as in MACRO Web DE. For example, for this input XML:



 <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Expr="timenow"/>

 <ArezzoExpr Code="A2" Expr="2^8"/>

 <ArezzoExpr Code="Err1"><![CDATA[This is rubbish]]></ArezzoExpr>



The output will be:



  <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Value="12:14:32" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="A2" Value="256" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="Err1" Value"" />



MACRO subject errors

If errors occur while loading a subject or its eForms, the errors will be reported in a separate "Errors" section. For example, for this input XML:



 <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Expr="1 + 3"/>

 <ArezzoExpr Code="A2" Expr="len('sausages')"/>

 <MACROSubject Study="Demostudy40" Site="london" Id="999" >

  <Visit Code="SCREENING" Cycle="1">

   <Eform Code="COVER" Cycle="1">

    <ArezzoExpr Code="FName" Expr="form"/>

    <ArezzoExpr Code="DOB" Expr="dobirth"/>


   <Eform Code="xxxx" Cycle="1">

    <ArezzoExpr Code="FName" Expr="form"/>

    <ArezzoExpr Code="DOB" Expr="dobirth"/>


  <Visit Code="ttttt" Cycle="1">





The output will be:



  <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Value="4" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="A2" Value="8" />


    <Error Msg="Demostudy40/london/999 - Invalid subject" />




If the Id is changed to a valid identifier, the output would be as follows:



  <ArezzoExpr Code="A1" Value="4" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="A2" Value="8" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="FName" Value="cover" />

  <ArezzoExpr Code="DOB" Value="1966/04/02" />


    <Error Msg="screening:xxxx - eForm does not exist" />

    <Error Msg="ttttt - visit does not exist" />



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Check the syntax of a single Arezzo expression.








Currently logged-in user as returned from Login



XML string specifying a single Arezzo expressions to be checked


public static bool ArezzoCheck(UserProperties user, string arezzoExpr)



·       True if input string represents a syntactically correct Arezzo expression, or False otherwise


This routine parses the specified Arezzo expression and returns True if it parses successfully. This is a basic syntax check – there is no semantic checking, nor are there any checks on referenced visit, eForm or question names.


This API call uses the Arezzo 7 parser used in Web Data Entry, so the result returned here may be slightly different from the syntax checker in the Study Definition module, which uses the Arezzo 5 parser.

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