Command Line module


Creating a new subject with the Command Line

You can use the Command Line module to create a new subject. A subject ID will be generated by the system.


From each call, a Command Line error may be returned if the command line is not in the correct format, e.g. missing or unexpected parameters. Otherwise a comma-separated message is output with the appropriate result code and the newly-generated subject ID.




Ensure you follow the required conventions when specifying user credentials and visit/eForm parameters.




Functionality identifier


User credentials

User name/Password/Database/Userrole

Operation Identifier



Study name


Site code

Command Line and result format




This will create a new subject in the Demostudy40 study at the London site. The new subject is assigned subject ID 702:

InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /DataEntry/rde/macrotm/MACRO490/FullUser/CreateSubject/Demostudy40/london


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Subject creation result codes

Each operation returns an individual result to the console as a comma-separated message with one of the following results:





No errors occurred; all data was added successfully, and no validations were fired (Warnings or Rejects)

This user does not have permission for this study/site combination, or the combination is invalid

The user attempting to create a new subject does not have the required permission to do so

Too many parameters were provided

The parameters given exceed the expected number

No site name parameter was provided

The site parameter has been excluded

Could not connect to the supplied database [DB name] with role [role name]

The database name given is invalid

Could not login with username [rde] and password [******]

An incorrect username or password was given

An empty study name was entered

The study name parameter has been given as empty

An empty site name was entered

The site name parameter has been given as empty

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