Data Entry/Review module


Changing the coding status for a question

Thesaurus questions can have one of six special coding statuses applied in addition to the standard question statuses. Note that coding statuses do not have icons although the response text of a thesaurus question changes from black (not coded) to orange (coded) in the question field when a question has a status of Coded. The coding status of a question is displayed in the coding audit trail but not on the eForm.



Auto Encoded

Automatically assigned when a question has been batch coded from the list of matched results in the Batch Coding window.

Not Coded

Automatically assigned when a question has not yet been coded or when the response value has been changed for a previously coded question.


Automatically assigned when a question has been manually coded directly from an eForm. Also assigned when a question is coded from the list of unmatched results or re-coded from the list of matched results within the Batch Coding window.

Response text for questions with this status is displayed in orange text in the question field.

Pending New Code

Manually assigned when a question has been coded but needs to be coded again, such as when the current medical dictionary is superseded by a new release.

Do Not Code

Manually assigned to prevent the option 'Code Question' from being available in the popup menu when you right click the question status icon to the right of the thesaurus question.


Manually assigned when a coded question has been checked and accepted.

Manually changing the coding status of a question

You can manually change the status of a thesaurus question to 'Pending New Code', 'Do Not Code' or 'Validated'.

  1. Locate the thesaurus question on the eForm. Hovering over a question field will display a tooltip containing the question type.

  2. Right click the question status icon and select Clinical Coding > Change Status > status from the popup menu.

  3. Save the eForm.


To manually change the coding status of a thesaurus question, you need the 'Change clinical status' permission. To change it to 'Validated', you also need the 'Validate clinical code' permission.



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