Language Definition module
Use this module to translate individual study elements into a number of other languages and to specify which language should be used to display the study in the Web Data Entry/Review module for a particular study/site combination.
Translations are stored as part of the study definition and so are included in any study exports and imports.
The following study elements can be mapped directly into another language by entering the translated words alongside the originals:
Subject labels
Subject registration prefixes and suffixes
Visit names
eForm titles
eForm labels
eForm captions
Question names
Question derivations for use when using fixed strings in an expression
Question help text
Category values
Validation messages
Reasons for change
Translated study elements are displayed in the original language in the following places:
The data browser
Home page reports
All MACRO modules other than Web Data Entry/Review
To specify which language is to be used to display a study, you must create an association between a language and a study/site combination. When the study is opened at that site, the associated language will be used.
The default language for a study/site combination is the one that was used to create the study definition. This is the language that is set in the Study Details panel in the Study Definition module. So if a study/site remains associated with the default language then the study will display in the original language. If a study/site is associated with a different language then all elements that have been translated will display in the specified language and any non-translated elements will display in the default language.
We recommend that you do not change the language that is associated with a study/site, or transfer a subject between sites with different associated languages once data collection has begun.
A wide range of languages are supported. View list
Languages using Unicode characters are fully supported in the LD module but there are some limitations in what you can do with such data:
Archive (AR) Module - If you need to archive a study containing Unicode characters you must archive it to HTML as the PDF output will not display the characters correctly.
Query (QM) Module - It is not possible to use the Query Module to export any subject data containing Unicode characters. If you need to do this, we recommend using the Data Views module instead to create extra tables that can be exported.
This module is not part of the standard MACRO package but can be purchased separately. Please contact Customer Support for details. |