Query module



The OUTPUT section of the Query module enables you to:

You can specify how data is displayed and saved by setting the output options.


Before you use this section, you must have selected the questions you wish to use and set up filters to specify the response data you want.


Please note that if the study data you are exporting includes Unicode characters, you must check the 'Output as Unicode' option in the Output Options window before attempting to run the query. Failure to do this will result in a system crash in this version.

Running a query

  1. Use the Display Options radio buttons to specify whether or not you wish the results to be displayed in the grid in the OUTPUT section. The default option is 'Do not Display Output' as this will save time if you are querying a large amount of data and do not need to view it.

  2. Run your query by clicking the Run Query button or by selecting Run Query from the Run menu.

  3. As the query runs, the 'No. Results' field is populated with the total number of individual responses within the query, including missing responses.

  4. As the query runs, the 'No. Subject Records' displays the number of subjects whose data is included within the query.

  5. The 'Progress' field displays information as to how the query is progressing.

  6. If you have chosen to display the output, the grid at the bottom of the OUTPUT section will be filled with the query results. Use the scroll bars to view all parts of the grid. Some of the response data is manipulated before it is displayed.

Cancelling a query

Click the Cancel button at any time while a query is running, to interrupt all activities. The Progress field will display the message "Query action has been Cancelled." The process stops immediately, but it may take a few seconds for the message to appear.

Saving the output from a query

  1. From the View menu, select Output options.

  2. Select the format in which you wish to save the results of the query and click OK to return to the main screen.

  3. Click Save Output. You will be prompted to enter the name of your output file. CSV output is saved as a simple text file (.txt). If you have chosen to save the query as an Access file, once you click Save Output you will be prompted for the name of an Access database to save to. If you choose an existing database, it will be overwritten.



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