Study Definition module


Controlling access to an eForm

You can control who has access to an eForm by creating a set of access rules. Before you create a rule, be sure to understand how the Allow and Deny rule types work, both individually and when combined. More help on how access rules work...

To add a new rule

To create and remove eForm access rules, you need the 'Maintain Schedule' permission


  1. From the visit schedule, right click on an eForm and select eForm Access Rules...
  2. The eForm Access Rules window is displayed.
  3. The current eForm is selected in the eForm dropdown list at the top. You can set rules for any eForm in the study by changing this selection.
  4. All existing rules for the selected eForm are shown in the main grid.
  5. Select the visit scope for the new rule. If you only want to apply this rule when the eForm appears in a particular visit, then select that visit. If you want to apply the rule wherever the eForm occurs in the study, then select All Visits.
  6. Select the role scope for the new rule.
  7. Specify the rule type; either Allow or Deny.
  8. Click Add to create the new rule. It is added to the grid.


To remove a rule, select it in the grid and click Remove.

You cannot edit an existing rule. If you need to change a rule, you must remove it and then create a new one.

To view existing rules

Within the eForm Access Rules window, all existing rules for the selected eForm are shown in the main eForm Access Rules grid.

If both Allow and Deny rules exist for the same visit/eForm combination, the Allow rules will always take precedence. This means some of the Deny rules in the grid may not be effective, if they are being overruled.

To see which rules are currently effective in the study, click View Effective Access Rules. The Effective Access Rules window is displayed, showing a read-only tree view of all study eForms with effective access rules. Allow rules are prefixed with (A) and shown in green text under the eForm. Deny rules are prefixed with (D) and shown in red text under the eForm.


To summarise, if a Deny rule exists but is overridden by an Allow rule, both will show in the eForm Access Rules grid but only the Allow rule will show in the Effective Access Rules tree view. More help on how access rules work...



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