Study Definition module


eForm/visit triggers and preconditions

The Internal Trigger is an attribute of an Arezzo task. You can specify an Internal Trigger to activate an eForm or visit when certain conditions become true. This works differently from a Task's Precondition. See below for a comparison of the two.

For example, you may wish to only activate certain forms once registration is complete, or once you know the gender of the subject.


The Arezzo Terms report in the Study Data Diagnostic Utility module can be used to list all existing internal triggers and preconditions in a study definition.

Features of Internal Triggers

To create an Internal Trigger

  1. Start the Arezzo Composer application for a study.

  2. Select the Plan task (pink rectangle) representing the visit or eForm for which you want to add an internal trigger. Never add an internal trigger to an Action task (blue square) as this is likely to disrupt the correct functioning of MACRO.

  3. In the Task attributes area, type a condition into the Internal Trigger field.

 Note: Make sure you do not enter the condition into the Trigger field.

You can launch the Expression Editor by clicking the button.


i. The Internal Trigger

isknown( person:subjectidentifier )

will only activate a visit or eForm once the subject has been registered (the term person:subjectidentifier refers to a subject’s registration ID).


ii. The Internal Trigger

Screening:Personal:Sex = ′f′

will cause an eForm to remain inactive unless the data entry user enters f for the subject’s sex. If a value of m is entered for the question Sex, the eForm will remain inactive.


iii. If a study contains Adverse Event forms (called AE) in each visit, and the AE form contains a question called Event for the description of the adverse event, the Internal Trigger

count( _:AE:Event ) > 5

will cause an eForm to be activated if more than 5 adverse events are reported.

Note: The underscore character used here in the place of the visit identifier refers to 'any visit'.

Comparing Triggers and Preconditions

We recommend that you use Internal Triggers rather than Preconditions if you want to activate eForms and visits selectively.


If a task has a Precondition attached, the task will not be activated unless the Precondition is true. However, a Precondition is evaluated once only, and if it is false, the task is permanently "discarded" and will never become active (even if the Precondition subsequently becomes true). The time at which a Precondition is evaluated is when the task is "scheduled". If a task has no Scheduling Constraints (and is not inside a plan that has Scheduling Constraints), it becomes scheduled at the point a new subject is created. So any Preconditions which refer to MACRO data are always going to be false at this point because no data has been entered yet. If a task has Scheduling Constraints, its Precondition will be evaluated when the Scheduling Constraints are satisfied. So if a task has a Precondition which refers to MACRO data, it must be scheduled after the eForm which contains the relevant data (and the data must be Mandatory).


By contrast, an Internal Trigger is continually evaluated, and the task is activated when it eventually becomes true, which can be when the relevant data becomes available. It's like a "waiting Precondition". No scheduling constraints are required.


The only situation in which using Preconditions may be preferable is when a study contains hundreds of tasks with Triggers. Replacing some of the Triggers with Preconditions may improve performance.



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