The format of the report varies slightly depending on the format chosen. Example of HTML report
The report contains one section for each of the following groups where risks have been identified:
Subject Label
Subject Gender
Subject Date of Birth
Eligibility Conditions
Uniqueness Checks
Identifier Prefixes and Suffixes
Question Validations
Validation Conditions
Validation Messages (optional)
Question Derivations
Question Only Collect If Conditions
eForm Labels
Internal Triggers
The number of 'risky' expressions identified for each group is shown as a number in brackets after the group heading. For each risky expression found, the report contains:
The study item with which the expression is associated
The item code where relevant (question code for questions, eForm code for eForms, otherwise a description of the expression)
The type of expression
The risk(s) identified. Note that an expression may contain more than one risk.
The Arezzo expression
Each of the following sections refers to a risk type that would be displayed in the Risks column of the report and describes any action that you should take:
isknown with undefined question cycle
You may wish to use the Arezzo Terms Report to locate any risky expressions in a study.