Event Management module


Viewing triggered events

An event is triggered when the conditions described by the event are met at the point in a study described in an associated target.

An event is processed when an associated action (such as sending an email) is performed. Processing may be successful or unsuccessful.


The Subject Event Viewer displays details of all triggered events. You can choose to see unprocessed events (current events) or processed events (audit trail).

Searching for events

Open the viewer by selecting Tools > Subject Event Viewer...


Note that the browser will be empty until you run a search.


To find all triggered events of a particular type, select from the Event type and/or Target type lists. The From status and To status relate to the type of event, (if it involves changing from one status to another). The Visit code, eForm code and Question code all relate to the type of target, if applicable.


To find a particular event, enter the unique code into Event code. You can choose to restrict the results to a particular study/site/subject.


To find all events with a particular status, enter the status code into Event status. For example, to find all events with a 'Send Email' action that has failed, enter '-1' into the Event status. To find all events with a 'Send Email' action that has succeeded, enter '1'.

Help on status codes and event database tables


Select 'Current events' to see all unprocessed events and those with a negative status (for the Send Email action, this will represent a failed action).


Select 'Audit trail' to see the full history of each triggered event.


Click Search to run the search using your chosen filters.

Viewing the search results

Each row corresponds to a processing stage of a single event.


The timestamp column shows the database time that either the event was triggered (for an unprocessed event) or the time that the processing attempt took place.


Information about event processing attempts is displayed in the Message column, for example a reason for an email not being sent. If an event email has been successfully sent, it will show the email recipient, subject and body text. Note that for events with an email action defined, Arezzo expressions are evaluated at the time of the email being sent rather than the time the data was saved in the database. This means that the email content will be accurate to the time of sending.

Re-running actions

If processing fails for an event, it will not be automatically attempted again.


You can choose to re-run processing for single or multiple events by selecting the events to re-run and then clicking the Re-run event actions button at the bottom of the screen. Re-running an event action for an event with an associated email will have the effect of attempting to send the email again.


A popup window shows the result of the re-run along with any reasons for failure. Click OK to close the window.


Although failed events can be displayed in the Subject Event Viewer, there is no other notification of them so regular checks should be made.


You can only re-run actions for current events. You cannot re-run actions for events in the audit trail.


You can also re-run failed actions via the Command Line.

Changing the status of an event

If you wish to change the status of an event manually, select the event and click the Change Event Status button at the bottom of the screen.

Enter the new status and an optional message explaining the reason for the change and click OK.


You can only change the status of a current event. Events in the audit trail cannot have their status changed.



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