CT criteria consist of four grades for each test. Each grade is defined by a minimum and a maximum value. You need to specify the values separately for each grade.
To create, edit or delete CT criteria, you need the 'Maintain common toxicity criteria' permission
Select Parameters > Normal Ranges and CTC. The Normal Ranges and CTC window is displayed.
Select the CTC Schemes tab.
Select the scheme for which you wish to create criteria and click Edit Criteria. A new window is displayed, showing the values for the selected scheme.
Click Create. Fields that are filled with yellow are mandatory and need to have valid data entered before the screen can be saved.
You can also create new criteria on the basis of an existing set. To do this, select the set to duplicate and click Create Like. Then edit the criteria to make a new set. Bear in mind that the first set may have been based upon the normal range so ensure that the Absolute radio button is clicked where necessary.
Select a test group.
Select the test for which you wish to create CTC. The units associated with the selected test will be displayed.
Select a toxicity grade.
Enter the minimum and maximum values for the grade. See 'Entering values for the CTC grades' below for more detail.
Click Save to save the new CTC, or Cancel to abort the creation.
Repeat steps 4 to 7 for the three remaining grades for the current test.
Select Parameters > Normal Ranges and CTC. The Normal Ranges and CTC window is displayed.
Select the CTC Schemes tab.
Select the scheme whose criteria you wish to edit and click Edit Criteria not Edit.
Select the criteria you wish to edit and click Edit.
Make your changes and click Save to save them, or Cancel to abort.
Select Parameters > Normal Ranges and CTC. The Normal Ranges and CTC window is displayed.
Select the CTC Schemes tab.
Select the scheme whose criteria you wish to edit and click Edit Criteria not Edit.
Select the criteria that you wish to delete and click Delete.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion, or No to abort.
Entering values for the CTC grades
Each grade must have a minimum and a maximum value. These values can be expressed either in absolute terms, or more usually, as a multiplication factor above or below the normal range for the test concerned. The units used for each set of criteria will be those defined for the test to which the criteria apply.
If you are expressing the values in relation to the normal range, in addition to entering values, you can use the Lower Limit Normal/Upper Limit Normal radio buttons to refer to the upper and lower limits of the normal range. The expressions will be generated and displayed below. They will look something like this:
When the normal range is 3.0x109 /L to 10.0x109 /L
CTC grade 1: Lower Limit Normal (i.e. 3.0x109 /L, as above) to 2.0x109 /L
If you are expressing the values in absolute terms, click the Absolute radio buttons and enter the values. The expressions will be generated and displayed below. They will look something like this:
When the normal range is 1.75x109 /L to 10.0x109 /L
CTC grade 1: 1.5x109 /L to 1.75x109 /L
CTC grades can exist either above or below the normal range, depending upon the test. For example, the tests for hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia can be combined. Grades below the normal range will define hypocalcemia and those above the normal range will define hypercalcemia. See example
Related Topics
Creating a list of clinical test groups
Creating a list of clinical tests
Creating a list of laboratories
Creating a list of CTC schemes