You can place a number of previously created individual queries into a group and run them together.
Select New Batched Query from the File menu. The Batched Query window is displayed.
Click Add Query to select an individual query. Queries are saved as .txt files in the Out Folder unless you have specified a different location. The queries you select will be displayed in the window.
Select Open Batched Query from the File menu to open the Windows Open dialog.
Select an existing batched query. By default, it will have been saved in the Out Folder as a .txt file with the prefix 'MBQ' followed by the date and time of creation.
The batched query will be displayed in the Batched Query window.
From the Batched Query window you can:
Use the Up and Down buttons to change the order in which the individual queries are run.
Use the Remove Query button to remove an individual query from the list.
Use the Save and Save As buttons to save the list as a batched query. It will be saved as a .txt file with the prefix 'MBQ' followed by the current date and time.
Use the Run button to run the individual queries. They will be run in the order in which they appear in the list. The Progress bar at the bottom shows which query is being currently run.
For information on the output file, click here.