Query module


Output to CSV

Selecting CSV as the output type will result in the creation of 3 text files, all in Comma Separated Values format.

Response Data file

When saving the output in the OUTPUT section, you are prompted to enter the name of the ResponseData CSV file.

The default name is StudyName_YYYYMMDD.csv

Header Record

A comma separated record in the form:-


Question2 ….

Where QuestionN is of the form ShortCode or if LongCodes are being used VisitCode/FormCode/QuestionCode or VisitCode/FormCode/QuestionCode/Attribute if its an attibute (Comments, CTCGrade, LabResult, Status, TimeStamp, UserName, ValueCode)

Data Record

(1 per subject)

A comma separated record of responses that corresponds to the header record.

Questions file

The name of the Questions file is derived from the ResponseData filename, adding the suffix of _DLU

The default name is StudyName_YYYYMMDD_DLU.csv

Header Record


Or if LongCodes are being used


Where Visit/Form/Question corresponds to a question’s VistCode/FormCode/QuestionCode

or a question attribute’s


Description corresponds to a questions description.

Type corresponds to a questions type (Text, Category, IntegerData, Real, Date, Multimedia, LabTest) for questions and (Comments, CTCGrade, LabResult, Status, TimeStamp, UserName, ValueCode) for attributes.

Data Record

(1 per Question)

A comma separated record of Questions their description and their type.

Category Codes file

The name of the CategoryCodes file is derived from the ResponseData filename, adding the suffix _CLU

The default name is StudyName_YYYYMMDD_CLU.csv

Header Record


Or if LongCodes are being used


Where Visit/Form/Question corresponds to a question’s VistCode/FormCode/QuestionCode.

Where CatCode correspond to a Category Code (e.g. M, F, 1, 2).

Where CatValue corresponds to a Category Value (e.g. Male, Female)

Data Record

(1 per category value)

A comma separated record of questions, a category code and a category value.

e.g. VizOne/FormOne/SexCodeCAT,m,Male



File formats

Opening the CSV file in Excel

If the CSV file you wish to open contains Unicode data, you must perform the following steps before attempting to open it:

  1. Open the CSV file in Notepad.

  2. Select File>Save As>Unicode big endian

  3. Click Save.



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