To import a study definition, you need the 'Import study' permission
You can import study definitions in the following formats:
.sdd files which have been exported from MACRO
.zip files which have been exported from MACRO 3.0
Select File > Import/Import from 3.0/Import from CDISC. The Import Study window is displayed.
Select the study that you wish to import and click Open. By default, study definitions exported from MACRO are stored in the Out Folder of the application folder.
The study is imported. If you are importing a study that already exists in the database, you will be asked in turn if you wish to overwrite the existing study and any specific study parameters such as Study Types, Study Phases, Validation action names and types, and clinical test and CTC definitions:
Click Yes to overwrite the existing data in the current message and Yes to All to overwrite all existing data.
Click No to retain the existing data in the current message and No to All to retain all existing data.
Click Show Details to view the details of the data.
Note: When a study containing MACRO events is imported into a database, the action for all events is reset to ‘None’ to avoid the potential confusion of emails being automatically sent from a test environment. The email configuration settings for each event will be restored when you re-enable the action for each event.