Study Definition module


Visit dates and labels

You can choose to display a date and/or a label under a visit name in the header of the data entry schedule. See image


To do this, you must nominate an eForm in the visit to act as the 'visit eForm'. Then any eForm date and label set up for that eForm will also be used as the visit date and visit label.


You must set up visit dates and labels individually for each visit. There is no way to switch them on/off for an entire study.

Setting up a visit eForm

Visit eForms are not displayed in the data entry schedule so we recommend that you create an eForm especially to act as the visit eForm, as follows:

  1. Create a new eForm and name it something obvious like 'visiteform'.

  2. In the study design schedule, add the new eForm to the required visit.

  3. Right click on the eForm icon in the study design schedule and select Set as Visit eForm from the popup menu.

  4. The eForm icon on the schedule will change to include a calendar icon. See image


More about visit eForms

Setting up a visit date

After you have created the visit eForm, you can specify its eForm date. This eForm date will act as the visit date. Help on setting up eForm dates...

As with all eForm dates, the visit date can be user-entered or can be derived from elsewhere.


The visit date question field will be displayed in the headers of every eForm in the visit. See image

When the visit eForm date question is answered during data entry, the resultant date value will be displayed in the header of each eForm and also on the schedule underneath the eForm icon. See image


Help on comparing visit dates

Setting up a visit label

Once you have created the visit eForm, you can specify its eForm label. This eForm label will act as the visit label. Help on setting up eForm labels...


The visit label is not displayed anywhere in data entry as a user-enterable field so it must be either a derived question or an Arezzo expression.


When the question or expression referenced in the label is evaluated during data entry, the resultant value will be displayed on the schedule underneath the visit name. See image


As with eForm labels, there is no length restriction in the display of visit labels. So if you create a label that uses a response from a question which allows a long value, the entire value will display in the visit header. This will expand the width of the visit which may cause the schedule to look untidy and become difficult to work with.


If the information referenced in a visit label or the expression itself is changed or deleted, the label will be automatically updated.


Creating the visit eForm

Specifying the visit date

Specifying the visit label

The outcome in data entry



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