CreateDcr - Create a new Raised DCR EditDcr - Edit the status or text of an existing DCR CreateSdv - Create a new/change an existing SDV |
These routines enable you to create and edit DCRs and SDVs.
You can only raise DCRs on a question (and not an eForm, visit or subject). A single question can have any number of DCRs attached to it.
You can create or edit an SDV on a subject, visit, eForm or question, but each MACRO object can only have one SDV attached. The CreateSdv() call creates a new SDV for the specified object if no SDV already exists, or changes the SDV status if an SDV already exists.
You cannot raise a DCR or create/edit an SDV on a locked object (but you can do so on a frozen object).
You cannot raise a DCR or create/edit an SDV in a study with status Suspended.
CreateDcr |
Create a new DCR with status Raised on the specified response, and optionally return the unique DCR ID.
Parameter |
Description |
user |
Currently logged-in user as returned from Login |
study |
Study name |
site |
Site code |
subjectid |
Subject ID (use 0 if specifying subject label) |
label |
Subject label (use empty string if specifying subject ID) |
visit |
Visit code |
vcycle |
Visit cycle |
eform |
eForm code |
fcycle |
eForm cycle |
question |
Question code |
qcycle |
Question cycle |
dcrText |
DCR text |
priority |
DCR priority (1 to 10 with 1 the highest priority) |
Creating a DCR without returning the DCR ID
public static MIMsgResult CreateDcr(UserProperties user, string study, string site, int subjectid, string label, string visit, int vcycle, string eform, int fcycle, string question, int qcycle, string dcrText, short priority) |
Creating a DCR and returning the DCR ID
public static MIMsgResult CreateDcr(UserProperties user, string study, string site, int subjectid, string label, string visit, int vcycle, string eform, int fcycle, string question, int qcycle, string dcrText, short priority, out string dcrId) |
· Return code indicating success or nature of failure
· Unique DCR ID for newly created DCR, as displayed in the DCR browser in the Web DE/DR module
EditDcr |
This routine enables you to change the status of an existing DCR to Responded, Closed or Raised, and to edit the DCR text.
Only Raised DCRs can be set to Responded.
Raised and Responded DCRs can be set to Closed.
Only Responded DCRs can be re-raised.
Each change to DCR status and/or text is saved in the DCR audit trail, visible from the DCR browser.
Parameter |
Description |
user |
Currently logged-in user as returned from Login |
dcrAction |
DCR action required (see below) |
dcrId |
Unique DCR ID, as returned from CreateDcr, or viewed in the DCR browser in Web DE/DR |
dcrText |
The new DCR text |
err |
This may contain additional error message information if the call fails |
DCR Action
This parameter is of type ApiDcrAction with the following values:
Respond = 0
Close = 1
Re-raise = 2
Edit text = 3
public static MIMsgResult EditDcr(UserProperties user, ApiDcrAction dcrAction, string dcrId, string dcrText, ref string err) |
· Return code indicating success or nature of failure
· If an error occurs, the string may contain additional information
CreateSdv |
Create an SDV or change the status of an existing SDV. This single method has 4 overloads to allow for creating an SDV on a subject, visit instance, eForm instance or question response:
· For a Subject SDV, omit the visit, eForm and question details
· For a visit SDV, omit the eForm and question details
· For an eForm SDV, omit the question details
· A new SDV cannot be created with the status Cancelled
In each case:
· If there is no SDV associated with the specified object, a new SDV will be created with the specified status.
· If there is already an SDV associated with the specified object, and its status is different from the specified status, the SDV status will be changed.
· If there is already an SDV associated with the specified object, with the same status as specified, an "SDV Exists" error will be returned.
Parameter |
Description |
user |
Currently logged-in user as returned from Login |
study |
Study name |
site |
Site code |
subjectid |
Subject ID (use 0 if specifying subject label) |
label |
Subject label (use empty string if specifying subject ID) |
visit |
Visit code (omit if target is subject) |
vcycle |
Visit cycle (omit if target is subject) |
eform |
eForm code (omit if target is subject or visit) |
fcycle |
eForm cycle (omit if target is subject or visit) |
question |
Question code (omit if target is subject, visit or eForm) |
qcycle |
Question cycle (omit if target is subject, visit or eForm) |
sdvText |
SDV text |
sdvStatus |
SDV status |
Creating a subject SDV:
public static MIMsgResult CreateSdv(UserProperties user, string study, string site, int subjectid, string label, string sdvText, Enums.SDVMIMStatus sdvstatus) |
Creating a visit SDV:
public static MIMsgResult CreateSdv(UserProperties user, string study, string site, int subjectid, string label, string visit, int vcycle, string sdvText, Enums.SDVMIMStatus sdvstatus) |
Creating a eForm SDV:
public static MIMsgResult CreateSdv(UserProperties user, string study, string site, int subjectid, string label, string visit, int vcycle, string eform, int fcycle, string sdvText, Enums.SDVMIMStatus sdvstatus) |
Creating a question SDV:
public static MIMsgResult CreateSdv(UserProperties user, string study, string site, int subjectid, string label, string visit, int vcycle, string eform, int fcycle, string question, int qcycle, string sdvText, Enums.SDVMIMStatus sdvstatus) |
· Return code indicating success or nature of failure
The MIMessage routines return an integer code as type MIMsgResult indicating the result, as listed in the table below:
Code |
Value |
Description |
0 |
Success |
The operation was successful |
1 |
NoPermission |
User does not have permission to carry out this operation |
2 |
SubjectNotFound |
Specified subject was not found |
3 |
VisitNotFound |
Specified visit was not found |
4 |
EFormNotFound |
Specified eForm was not found |
5 |
QuestionNotFound |
Specified question was not found |
6 |
ResponseNotFound |
No response data found for this visit, visit cycle, eForm, eform cycle, question and question cycle |
7 |
NoLockForSave |
Subject is open for editing in DE |
8 |
SDVExists |
An SDV of this status already exists for this object |
9 |
InvalidPriority |
Specified DCR priority is not valid (priority must be an integer from 1 to 10) |
10 |
InvalidStatus |
Specified status is not valid (eg a new SDV cannot have the status Cancelled) |
11 |
ObjectLocked |
Specified object has a status of Locked so any associated DCRs or SDVs cannot be edited |
12 |
StudySuspended |
The study has a status of Suspended |
13 |
DcrNotFound |
The DCR ID is not recognised |
14 |
InvalidOperation |
The operation is not permitted on this DCR, e.g. trying to edit the text of a DCR owned by another user |
99 |
Unknown |
An unknown error occurred |