You can also see a list of functionality available by task...
Routine |
Description |
Enable/disable an existing site |
Create a new eForm access rule |
Add a Data Reporter search to the queue |
Add a subject to a static subject group |
Check the syntax of a single Arezzo expression |
Evaluate Arezzo expressions at any level of a specified MACRO subject |
Evaluate a list of Arezzo expressions for a specified MACRO subject |
Associate a site with a study |
Assign user access to a subject group |
Cancel a queued Data Reporter search |
Change your own password |
Create a new Raised DCR |
Create a new/change an existing SDV |
Create and save a new Data Reporter search |
Create a new site |
Create a new SQL Server data or security database |
Create a new subject with an automatically generated subject ID. |
Create new subject group |
Create a new user |
Edit the Arezzo condition that defines a subject group |
Specify whether a subject group is dynamic or static |
Delete a Data Reporter search definition from the database |
Remove a Data Reporter search from the queue |
Change the administrator who is associated with an existing user |
Change the status of an existing DCR to Responded, Closed or Raised, and edit the DCR text |
Edit a Data Reporter search |
Edit an existing site |
Edit the description for an existing subject group |
Change the system administrator status for an existing user |
Change the email for an existing user |
Change the full name of an existing user |
Enable or disable a user |
Evaluate a subject for a given group |
Evaluate the subject groups for a given subject |
Export study/site/user/role associations |
Export existing codes and descriptions for category questions |
Export MACRO v4 laboratory definition |
Export MACRO v4 study definition |
Export MACRO v4 CDISC study definition |
Export MACRO v4 subject data in MACRO format |
Export MACRO v4 subject data in CDISC format |
Retrieve a list of eForm access rules for a given eForm/visit/role combination |
Request data in CDISC format |
Retrieve a list of countries used by MACRO |
Retrieve specified current event records |
Retrieve specified current event records from the audit trail |
Retrieve new current event records |
Retrieve the details of all eForms with Requested status for all subjects in a study |
Retrieve details of a Data Reporter search |
Retrieve a list of Data Reporter searches that the specified user has permission to view |
View Data Reporter searches in the queue |
Retrieve a list of sites in the current database |
Retrieve a list of sites associated with a study |
Retrieve a list of studies in the current database |
Retrieve a list of studies associated with a site |
Request data in XML format |
Retrieve a list of subject groups |
Retrieve a list of subject groups for a given study |
Retrieve a list of subject groups in which a given subject is included |
Retrieve a list of subject groups in which a given user is included with a particular user role |
Retrieve a list of subjects in a given subject group |
Import study/site/user/role associations |
Import codes and descriptions for category questions |
Import MACRO v4 laboratory definition |
Import MACRO v3 laboratory definition |
Import MACRO v4 study definition |
Import MACRO v4 CDISC study definition |
Import MACRO v3 study definition |
Import MACRO v4 subject data in MACRO format |
Import MACRO v4 subject data in CDISC format |
Import MACRO v3 subject data in MACRO format |
Enter data |
Retrieve the results of a completed Data Reporter search in columnar view |
Retrieve the results of a completed Data Reporter search in frequency view |
Retrieve the results of a completed Data Reporter search in cross tabular view |
Freeze/lock any existing MACRO object |
Log in to a MACRO database |
Log in specifying a security database |
Register a SQL Server data database |
Register a subject |
Delete an existing eForm access rule |
Disassociate a site from a study |
Remove a subject from a static subject group |
Remove user access from a subject group |
Change another user's password |
Change the status of a current event |
Activate or deactivate a subject group |
Unlock a user who has been locked out of MACRO due to entering an incorrect password |
Unregister a SQL Server data database |
Schedule a Data Reporter search |