Apply/remove system administrator status
Enable/Disable an existing user
You can use the Command Line module to create and edit users. The user credentials must specify a user with the relevant "Create user" or "Edit user" permissions.
A system administrator user can never be created or edited by a non-system administrator user. If the currently logged-in user is non-system administrator, a “PermissionDenied” error will be returned if an attempt is made to create or edit a system administrator user.
From each Users call, a Command Line error may be returned if the command line is not in the correct format, e.g. missing or empty parameters. Otherwise a comma-separated message is output with the appropriate result code.
Create a new standard or system administrator user account.
The new user will be automatically created as enabled.
The password assigned to a new user is a temporary password and can only be used for logging in to a MACRO module, at which point the password must be changed. It is not possible for a new user to log in to either the Command Line module until their initial password has been reset in this way.
Ensure that you follow the required conventions when specifying user credentials and user parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Functionality identifier |
"Users" |
User credentials |
User name/Password/Database/Userrole |
Operation Identifier |
"CreateUser" |
User name |
User name for new user |
Full name |
Full name for new user |
Password |
Temporary password for new user (must comply with password policy) |
Admin user |
The system administrator who is to be responsible for dealing with forgotten passwords for the new user (may be left blank) . This specified adminuser must be a system administrator user, otherwise a UserNotFound error will be returned. |
The email address for the new user, to be used in the case of a forgotten password (may be left blank) |
System admin |
"1" to assign system administrator status, "0" to create as standard user |
/Users/Username/Password/Database/Role/CreateUser/NewUserid/NewUserfullname/NewPassword/AdminUserId/EmailAddress/IsSysAdmin |
ResultCode,CreateUser,NewUserid,NewUserfullname |
Creating a new non-system administrator user khan with full name "Shere Khan":
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/rde/macrotm/SECDB/FullUser/CreateUser/khan/Shere Khan/khan123/rde/ |
Success,CreateUser,khan,Shere Khan |
Change a user's full name.
Ensure that you follow the required conventions when specifying user credentials and user parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Functionality identifier |
"Users" |
User credentials |
User name/Password/Database/Userrole |
Operation Identifier |
"EditUserName" |
User name |
User name of user being edited |
Full name |
New full name for user being edited |
/Users/Username/Password/Database/Role/EditUserName/UserToEdit/NewFullname |
ResultCode,EditUserName,UserToEdit,NewFullname |
Changing the full name for user khan:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/rde/macrotm/SECDB/Admin/EditUserName/khan/Tiger Khan |
Success,EditUserName,khan,Tiger Khan |
Change the administrator who is to be responsible for dealing with forgotten passwords for a user.
Ensure that you follow the required conventions when specifying user credentials and user parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Functionality identifier |
"Users" |
User credentials |
User name/Password/Database/Userrole |
Operation Identifier |
"EditAdminUser" |
User name |
User name of user being edited |
Admin user |
The new system administrator for user being edited (may be left blank). This specified adminuser must be a system administrator user, otherwise a UserNotFound error will be returned. |
/Users/Username/Password/Database/Role/EditAdminUser/UserToEdit/NewAdminUserId |
ResultCode,EditAdminUser,UserToEdit,NewAdminUserId |
Attempting to set the administrator for user mowgli to non-system administrator user khan:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/rde/macrotm/SECDB/Admin/EditAdminUser/mowgli/khan |
UserNotFound,EditAdminUser,mowgli,khan |
Removing the administrator for user mowgli:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/rde/macrotm/SECDB/FullUser/EditAdminUser/mowgli/ |
Success,EditAdminUser,mowgli, |
Change the email address that is to be used if a user forgets their password.
Ensure that you follow the required conventions when specifying user credentials and user parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Functionality identifier |
"Users" |
User credentials |
User name/Password/Database/Userrole |
Operation Identifier |
"EditUserEmail" |
User name |
User name of user being edited |
The new email address for user being edited (may be left blank if removing a user's email address) |
/Users/Username/Password/Database/Role/EditUserEmail/UserToEdit/NewEmailAddress |
ResultCode,EditUserEmail,UserToEdit,NewEmailAddress |
Changing the email address for user buzz:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/rde/macrotm/SECDB/Admin/EditUserEmail/buzz/ |
Success,EditUserEmail,buzz, |
Change the system administrator status for a user. Only system administrator users can edit the system administrator status of any other user.
Ensure that you follow the required conventions when specifying user credentials and user parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Functionality identifier |
"Users" |
User credentials |
User name/Password/Database/Userrole |
Operation Identifier |
"EditSysAdminStatus" |
User name |
User name of user being edited |
System admin |
"1" to assign system administrator status, "0" to assign as standard user |
/Users/Username/Password/Database/Role/EditSysAdminStatus/UserToEdit/IsSysAdmin |
ResultCode,EditSysAdminStatus,UserToEdit,IsSysAdmin |
Removing system administrator status from user woody:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/rde/macrotm/SECDB/Admin/EditSysAdminStatus/woody/0 |
Success,EditSysAdminStatus,woody,0 |
Assigning system administrator status to user khan:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/rde/macrotm/SECDB/FullUser/EditSysAdminStatus/khan/1 |
Success,EditSysAdminStatus,khan,1 |
Clear the lock which is applied automatically when a user has entered an incorrect password too many times (as specified by the password policy).
Ensure that you follow the required conventions when specifying user credentials.
Parameter |
Description |
Functionality identifier |
"Users" |
User credentials |
User name/Password/Database/Userrole |
Operation Identifier |
"UnlockUser" |
User name |
User name of user to be unlocked |
/Users/Username/Password/Database/Role/UnlockUser/UserToUnlock |
ResultCode,UnlockUser,UserToUnlock |
Unlocking user slinkydog:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/rde/macrotm/SECDB/FullUser/UnlockUser/slinkydog |
Success,UnlockUser,slinkydog |
Enable or disable a user.
Ensure that you follow the required conventions when specifying user credentials.
Parameter |
Description |
Functionality identifier |
"Users" |
User credentials |
User name/Password/Database/Userrole |
Operation Identifier |
"EnableUser" or "DisableUser" |
User name |
User name of user to be enabled or disabled |
Enabling a user:
/Users/Username/Password/Database/Role/EnableUser/UserToEnable |
ResultCode,EnableUser,UserToEnable |
Disabling a user:
/Users/Username/Password/Database/Role/DisableUser/UserToDisable |
ResultCode,DisableUser,UserToDisable |
Enabling user bopeep:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/khan/khan321/SECDB/Admin/EnableUser/bopeep |
Success,EnableUser,bopeep |
Disabling user bagheera:
InferMed.M40.MACRO_CL.exe /Users/khan/khan321/SECDB/Admin/DisableUser/bagheera |
Success,DisableUser,bagheera |
Each user operation returns an individual result to the console as a comma-separated message with one of the following result codes:
Code |
Description |
Success |
The operation was successful |
PermissionDenied |
The current user does not have the relevant MACRO permissions to perform the action |
InvalidUserName |
The given user name is not valid, e.g. it contains invalid characters, too many characters or is empty |
InvalidFullName |
The given user full name is not valid, e.g. it contains invalid characters, too many characters or is empty |
InvalidPassword |
The specified password is not valid, e.g. it is empty or does not comply with the current Password Policy |
InvalidEmail |
The specified email address is not valid, e.g. it contains invalid characters, too many characters or does not contain the "@" character or a dot after the @ |
UserExists |
In Create User, user already exists |
UserNotFound | User does not exist, e.g. when specifying Admin User or when editing an existing user |
Unknown |
An unknown error occurred |