Data Entry/Review module


Building a Data Reporter search

Your data search can be as simple or complex as you need.


When creating or editing a data search, work from left to right and use the four panels to build up the search.

You must use the first panel to select the columns you want in your report, and the third panel to select the subjects you want to search. The second and fourth panels are optional and can be used to refine your selections.


For example, you want to see data from all eForms in the Screening visit, but only when that visit occurred after 01/01/2019, for all subjects at site 'london', who were treated by Dr Mark:


In the Data Search tool, the above example would look something like this:

Columns panel

This is where you specify the structure of your report by choosing the data that you want to see. Each piece of data you select will be added as a column in the report and a row will be created for each subject.

You can add entire visits, eForms and questions or you can select a single question from a specific point in the study. By default, all items in each of the drop down lists are selected. All questions are shown as 'name(code)', for example 'Date Of Birth(dob)'.

Click a single visit/eForm/question to deselect it, or click All visits/All eForms/All questions to deselect them all and then choose the ones you want. If selecting a single element, you can also specify the cycle/s you want.

Click Add after each selection to build up the columns on the right of the panel. If you want to see all data, you can leave the selection as the default 'All Visits/All eForms/All Questions' but you must still click Add. You can add up to 5000 items unless this limit has been changed. How to change this limit You will see a warning if you go over the limit.

Plan the order of your columns before beginning because currently you can't re-order the columns after adding them. The first column in the list will be the first (leftmost) column in the report. You can remove an individual column from the list by selecting it and clicking Remove.


You can also choose which ID fields to include. These will be displayed as the first columns in the report, followed by your selected data columns.


After building your list of columns, click OK to save them and return to the Data Reporter screen.


See examples

Data Filter panel

This enables you to refine the data you chose in the Columns panel by creating conditions. Data will only be included if it meets these conditions.


For example, you may have chosen to include a column for a question that asks if an adverse event occurred. Now you can refine that selection by adding the condition that the event must have occurred after the subject has been given a particular treatment drug. Now the 'Adverse Event' column will be displayed in the search results but will only be populated for adverse events that occurred in conjunction with the drug.

Or you might have chosen to include a column for an ECG result. But you only want to see ECG results for subjects who also had a QT of more than 0.35, and have received a particular treatment, and have never smoked, and are healthy volunteers.

Specify individual conditions

Specify your exact conditions by selecting the appropriate states from the options on the left side of the panel. You can choose to filter by attribute or by response value.  All questions are shown as 'name(code)', for example 'Date Of Birth(dob)'.


When specifying a response value you can use the list of operators to search for partial matches as well as absolute ones. For example, you might only want text values that begin with a particular text string. The operators available in the list change according to the type of question. See available operators


When specifying a category option, use the value and not the code. For example, 'female' and not '0'.


When specifying a date question, you can use the 'between' operator in conjunction with 'today' to work with the current date. For example 'testdate < today' will include all values for the 'testdate' question before the current date. This means you can schedule the same report to run on a regular basis and always get data relative to the current date.  'Between' does not include the start and end points. For example if selecting a date between the current date (19 Nov) and -3 days (16 Nov), you will see data from 17 and 18 Nov).


Click Add after each selection to build up the conditions on the right of the panel.


Note that all instances of data matching the filter conditions will be included. For example, if you include a blood test result that is collected on a repeating eForm in three different visits, you will see results from each of those instances. If the eForm repeats twice in each visit, you will see all six different instances.

Specify how you want to match the conditions

For each set of conditions you can choose to match ALL or ANY.

So if you have three conditions and choose to match ALL, data will only be returned if it matches all three of the conditions. If you choose to match ANY, data only has to match at least one of the conditions to be included.

Matching applies at the question level. For example, if you specify the OK status AND comments, and choose to match ALL, then the search results will only include questions that have both the OK status and a comment attached. If you choose to match ANY, then the search results will include questions that have the OK status as well as questions that have a comment attached. Some of these questions may have both conditions.


After building your list of conditions, click OK to save them and return to the Data Reporter screen.


See examples

Subjects panel

This is where you specify the set of subjects to search across. You can leave the panel blank to include all subjects or you can use the options to narrow down a specific set.

For example, you may only want to see data for subjects in a particular site or subject group. If you don't have access to any subject groups, it will default to 'All subject groups' meaning all subjects regardless of group.


Currently you cannot select multiple sites. You can either choose 'All sites' or a single specific site.


After selecting the subjects, click Add to save them and return to the Data Reporter screen.


See examples

Subject Filter panel

This enables you to refine the subject set you chose in the Subjects panel by creating conditions. Subjects will only be included if they meet these conditions.


For example, you may have chosen to include subjects from site 'california', but you only want to include them if they are also male and over the age of 40. Or you might want to see subjects from a particular subject group, but only if they are of Caucasian ethnicity and recorded a positive pregnancy test.

Specify individual conditions

Specify your exact conditions by selecting the appropriate states from the options on the left side of the panel.  All questions are shown as 'name(code)', for example 'Date Of Birth(dob)'.


You can use the list of operators to search for partial matches as well as absolute ones. For example, you might only want text values that begin with a particular text string. The operators available in the list change according to the type of question. See available operators


When specifying a category option, use the value and not the code. For example, 'female' and not '0'.


When specifying a date question, you can use the 'between' operator in conjunction with 'today' to work with the current date. For example 'testdate < today' will include all values for the 'testdate' question before the current date. This means you can schedule the same report to run on a regular basis and always get data relative to the current date.  'Between' does not include the start and end points. For example if selecting a date between the current date (19 Nov) and -3 days (16 Nov), you will see data from 17 and 18 Nov).


Click Add after each selection to build up the conditions on the right of the panel.

Specify how you want to match the conditions

For each set of conditions you can choose to match ALL or ANY.

For example, if you have three conditions and choose to match ALL, data will only be returned if it matches all three of the conditions. If you choose to match ANY, data only has to match at least one of the conditions to be included.


After building your list of conditions, click OK to save them, and to return to the Data Reporter screen.


See examples

Structuring the search report

There can be more than one way of achieving the same set of data but the way you build the search will affect how the report is structured.

For example, you are interested in a test result but only want to see results over a certain threshold. You could use either the Data Filter or the Subject Filter to create the condition but each will result in a different outcome. If you use the Data Filter, there will always be a column for the test result but for some subjects it will be empty. If you use the Subject Filter, the test result column will always be filled, as subjects not meeting the condition will not be included in the search. The same data is presented but in a different format, as shown in the illustration below. For a more complex search with multiple columns and conditions it is important to use the correct filters to avoid discluding data that you wanted to see.

The data filter reduces the amount of data that is searched and the subject filter reduces the amount of subjects that are included. See illustration



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