MACRO Structure


Configuration settings

Configuration settings determine how the various modules behave and are located in the following files:


The 'MACROUserSettings40.config' file itself is referenced in the 'web.config' file. Do not remove this reference.



Settings by module

All modules:

Location of CabExtract folder

Location of In Folder

Location of Out Folder

Location of temp folder

Hosted environment settings

Archive module:

See the Output Options for the AR module

Auto Import module:

Location of log file

Event Management module:

Location of installation folder

Report Management module:

Location of custom reports created in the built-in Reports Designer

Location of custom reports created in SSRS

Location of report bin files

Location of report logo image

SDDU module:

Report and log file location

Study Definition module:

Unit of measurement for determining text box display length

Multi-user study definition

Partial date handling

System Management module:

Remote data transfer

Treeview database nodes

Web DE/DR module:

High Performance mode

Session state timeout

Sort subjects by subject label

Log performance

Location of home page logo image

Custom toolbar buttons:

Custom toolbar button icon

Custom toolbar button tooltip text

Custom toolbar button destination

Data Reporter:

Maximum number of columns displayed in a Data Reporter columnar report when viewed in a web browser

Maximum number of items allowed in list when choosing columns

Number of days to keep Data Reporter searches in the queue

Time of day at which expired Data Reporter searches are removed from the queue

Location of Query service

Location of list of queued searches

Location of detail of queued searches

Location of search results

Behaviour of counts in frequency and cross tabular reports



Settings in alphabetic order



Where to edit



ai_logs AI MACROUserSettings40.config
Also managed from the 'Output folder...'menu option in the AI module.
Path to the location of the log files.
The path must end with a terminating \

The location of the log files which are created when running Auto Import.

If the setting does not exist, log files are saved in the Out Folder in the MACRO application folder.

CabExtract Multiple MACROUserSettings40.config Path to the location of the CabExtract folder.
The path must end with a terminating \

The location of the CabExtract folder in which temporary files are held during subject and study import.

If the setting does not exist, the folder will be located within the application folder.

CharacterReferenceForFieldWidthCalculation SD web.config Character

The specified character is used as the unit of measurement when determining the display width of text boxes, category questions, expandable text boxes and thesaurus questions on eForms.

Defaults to 'W'.

 More info

CompanyLogo REP web.config Path to the image file

The specified image will be displayed at the top of each standard report.

CustomLinkDestination Web DE/DR web.config Path to the link target destination

The destination of the custom toolbar button specified in the corresponding CustomLinkIcon setting (see below). The destination can be a home page report (if the home page has been enabled), or a URL for any site that can be accessed from within MACRO. Add a destination for each button, separating each value with a semicolon. Example

CustomLinkIcon Web DE/DR web.config Path to the link icon image file

The specified image will be used as the icon for a custom toolbar button. These are situated in the toolbar immediately after the standard shortcut buttons. You can add any number of custom buttons, separating each value with a semicolon. Example

CustomLinkTooltip Web DE/DR web.config Tooltip text

This text will be displayed as tooltip text for the custom toolbar button specified in the corresponding CustomLinkIcon setting (see above). Add tooltip text for each button, separating each value with a semicolon. Example

DataBrowserHighPerformanceMode Web DE/DR MACROUserSettings40.config true, false

If the value is set to 'true', High Performance Mode is switched on. If the value is set to 'false' or does not exist, High Performance Mode is switched off.

DeleteJobScheduleTime Web DE/DR InferMed.M40.QueryService.exe time value in hh:mm:ss am/pm

The time of day at which expired Data Reporter searches will be removed from the queue. Example

You must restart the Query service for any changes to this setting to take effect.

You can also specify the expiry period.

du_Reports SDDU MACROUserSettings40.config Path to the location of the report and log files.

The location in which all SDDU reports and logs will be written. If no location is specified, the Out Folder is used.

enforceUserPermissionForReport Web DE/DR web.config true, false

If the value is set to 'true' (default), the counts in frequency and cross tabular reports in the Data Reporter will only include data that the user has permission to access according to their role. If the value is set to 'false' or does not exist, these counts will include all study data regardless of user permissions.

HomepageLogo Web DE/DR web.config Path to the image file

The specified image will be displayed at the top of the standard home page.

HostedEnvironment Multiple MACROUserSettings40.config 1, 0

If the value is set to 1, all 'Open/Save File' browse windows throughout MACRO will be replaced with a simpler version that only allows access to the drives and directories specified in the 'permitted drives' and 'permitteddrivesregex' settings described also disables the commands listed in the Restricting file system access topic.

If the value is set to 0, the standard Windows 'Open/Save File' browse windows will be used.

in folder Multiple MACROUserSettings40.config Path to the location of the In Folder.
The path must end with a terminating \

The location of the In Folder which contains sample study and laboratory definitions.

If the setting does not exist, the folder will be located within the application folder.

InstallDirectory EM


Path to the installation folder.
The path must end with a terminating \

The MACRO installation folder. This setting is required in order to use the Command Line event action type.

LogPerformance Web DE/DR


1, 0

If the value is set to 1, various performance statistics are written to the LOGPERFORMANCE table in the MACRO database.

If the value is set to 0, this information is not logged.

List of statistics written to table

MaxLimitDaysJobDetailStore Web DE/DR



The number of days after which a Data Reporter search will be removed from the queue. Example

You must restart the Query service for any changes to this setting to take effect.

You can also specify the time at which to remove searches.

musd SD



yes, no

If the value is set to yes, the Multi User Study Definition feature is enabled in Study Definition.

If the value is set to no, or does not exist, the feature is not enabled.

More information on MUSD...

out folder Multiple MACROUserSettings40.config Path to the location of the Out Folder.
The path must end with a terminating \

The location of the Out Folder which is used to store any study definitions, subject data and laboratory definitions exported via the System Management module and any queries created in the Query module.

If the setting does not exist, the folder will be located within the application folder.

PartialDates SD MACROUserSettings40.config

yes, no

If the value is set to yes, or does not exist, partial date handling is enabled in Study Definition.

If the value is set to no the feature is not enabled and study designers will not be able to specify that date questions can accept partial dates.

More information on partial date handing...


This setting only affects the Study Definition module. It is not possible to switch off partial date handling in Windows Data Entry. This means that if a study is created in Study Definition which contains partial dates, these partial dates will be active in Windows Data Entry even if partial dates are switched off in the Settings file.

PermittedDrives Multiple MACROUserSettings40.config

Comma separated list of drives and directories

eg C:\,C:\CLM Files

When specifying a drive, the path must end with a terminating \

Only used in conjunction with the 'hostedenvironment' setting (above). Specifies the list of drives and directories to which the user has access when using 'Open/Save Files' browse windows throughout MACRO. If this setting does not exist, full access is available.

Alternatively, you can use a regular expression to specify the drives (see below).




Regular expressions of drives and directories

eg TSClient[0-9]{1,}

Only used in conjunction with the 'hostedenvironment' setting (above). Specifies the regular expression of the drives and directories to which the user has access when using 'Open/Save File' browse windows throughout MACRO.

QueryManagementFileStore Web DE/DR


Path to the location of the search results files

The location of the SQLite database containing details of each completed search. One file per subject per search. This folder must be shared between all servers.  Example

If you move the database for any reason, ensure that you update the location in this setting.

QueryManagementServiceLocation Web DE/DR


Web address of the MACRO Query service

The location of the Query service. All MACRO servers must use the same Query search service and only one Query search service can be active per MACRO security database.   Example

QueueFile Web DE/DR


Path to the location of the queued search list

The location of the .txt file containing a list of searches waiting to be run. All servers must use the same queue file. Example

QueueWaitingFolder Web DE/DR


Path to the location of the queued search detail files

The location of the .xml files containing details of each search that is waiting to be run. One file per subject per search. This folder must be shared between all servers.  Example

rdt SM


true, false

If the value is set to true, the option of setting a new site to be a server or remote site is enabled when creating a new site in System Management.

If the value is set to false, or does not exist, this option is not available.

More information on remote data transfer...

ReportsDirectory REP MACROUserSettings40.config Path to the location of the report files

The location in which custom report files created through the REP module (.aspx) will be saved.

If this setting does not exist, the files will be saved to the default Custom_Reports folder within the application folder.

ReportsBinDirectory REP


Path to the location of the report bin files

The location in which the .repx and .dll bin files automatically generated through the REP module when you create a custom report will be saved.

If this setting does not exist, the files will be saved to the default Custom_Reports folder within the application folder.

SearchPanelMaxColumnDisplay Web DE/DR web.config Integer

The maximum number of columns to be displayed in a web browser for a columnar report designed in the Data Reporter. The entire number of columns will be included in the downloaded report.


SearchPanelMaxColumnItemsLimit Web DE/DR web.config Integer

The maximum number of items allowed in the right hand pane when building up the columns required for a Data Reporter search. The default limit is 5000.


SessionState timeout="1" Web DE/DR web.config Integer

Replace 1 with the length of the desired timeout period in minutes. If this setting does not exist, the default timeout period of 20 minutes is used.

Ensure that you remove any comment tags <!-- and --> before/after the setting.After the timeout period has elapsed, the user will be logged out and returned to the homepage screen. A message is displayed to explain why they have been logged out.

SMBuildTree SM MACROUserSettings40.config true, false

Determines when the database node of the tree view in the System Management module is built.

If the value is set to false, the node will not built until you select Refresh from the View menu. Example

If the setting does not exist, or is set to true, the node will be built on startup. Example

SortSubjectsBySubjectLabel Web DE/DR web.config true, false

If the value is set to 'true', subjects in the Subject QuickView list and data browser are ordered by subject label. If the value is set to 'false' or does not exist, subjects are ordered by subject ID.

ssrsreporturl Web DE/DR web.config Path to the location of any SSRS custom reports.

The location in which custom report files created in SSRS (.rdl) are stored, for use as links on the homepage.

Temp Multiple MACROUserSettings40.config Path to the location of the temp folder.
The path must end with a terminating \

The location of the temp folder which is a writable folder used to store error logs or other temporary files.

If the setting does not exist, the folder will be located within the application folder.