Data Entry/Review module


Searching for subjects

There are four ways to find existing subjects for data entry:

Viewing all subjects in the Full Subject List

This lists all existing subjects.


  1. Select View > Subject List or click the Subject List icon located at the top of the screen beneath the menu options.

  2. The Subject List opens in the main window.

You can change the number of records displayed on a page and also the maximum number of records retrieved. Set this in Tools > Options > Environment > General.

Viewing a list of recently opened subjects

This lists only the 10 subjects that have been most recently opened by the current user. You can change the number of subjects to display via Tools > Options > Environment > General.


  1. Select View > Recent Subjects List or click the Recent Subjects List icon located at the top of the screen beneath the menu options.

  2. The Recent Subjects List opens in the main window with the most recently opened subject at the top.

  3. You can use the same filtering and ordering options as in the full Subject List.

  4. Double click a subject to open the schedule. Or right click on the subject and select 'Go to last opened eForm' from the popup menu. This opens the most recently opened eForm in their schedule (this option is only available if you have previously opened an eForm for this subject).

QuickView Subject List

This lists all existing subjects in a side panel so that you can work with it open. Fewer details are provided for each subject.


  1. Select View > Subjects QuickView or click the Subject QuickView icon located at the top of the screen beneath the menu options.

  2. The QuickView list opens on the left side of the screen.

The Subject QuickView list can be ordered by subject ID or by subject label. Administrators can change this order by editing the SortSubjectsBySubjectLabel setting in the settings file.

Viewing a subset of subjects

The search panel enables you to specify a subset of subjects to be displayed. You can filter by study, site, subject group, and subject ID or label.


  1. Select View > Search Panel or click the Open Search Panel icon to open the search panel. Using the search panel

  2. Select Subject from the Data drop down list. See example

  3. Select your search criteria. More info

  4. Click the Execute search button to view the list of subjects in the main window.

  5. You can use the same filtering and ordering options as in the full Subject List.

  6. Double click a subject to open the schedule.


It is also possible to use the Data Reporter to find a filtered set of subjects; however this tool is more designed for complex reporting than finding a subject for data entry.


To search for subjects in any of the ways listed here, you need the 'View data' permission

Linking between subjects

It may be possible to access a subject via a hotlink from another subject. This is only available if set up by the study designer and it will be clearly marked on the link. More help on this...




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