The Data Reporter enables you to search for and export a custom set of response data within a single study. Your search can be as simple or complex as you need.
You can view search results as a columnar, frequency or cross tabular report, and you can export data in CSV, Excel and SPSS format.
Open the Data Reporter by clicking
the toolbar icon or by selecting View > Data
Reporter. If you cannot see this option, you haven't been given access
to the Data Reporter.
Click New Search.
Choose the study from the Select Study drop down list.
Use the four panels to build up the parameters for your search:
Click on the Columns panel to choose the data that you want to include. For example, show me all adverse events.
Click on the Data Filter panel if you want to further refine the chosen data. For example, show me only adverse events that occurred after a particular date.
Click on the Subjects panel to choose the subjects to search, or leave this blank to search all subjects. For example, search all subjects at the London site.
Click on the Subject Filter panel if you want to further refine the chosen subjects. For example, show me only female subjects at the London site.
You can preview the search to see how it will look and behave in a report. Click Preview to display a static view of the first 20 subjects in a columnar report. Unlike a full report, search previews do not offer ordering, filtering or navigating to eForms.
When you are happy with the parameters, click Save Search. You must save the report before you can run it.
Enter details for the search:
Enter a name and optional description. Search names must be unique within the sharing level. For example you can save 'search1' as a private report, and then save a different report named 'search1' as a public report. You can use up to 60 characters for a search name. Do not use Unicode characters or the following special characters [ ] / : " * ? < > . , | ; ~
Enter any keywords that will help to locate the search in the future.
Choose the sharing level. This determines who else can run the search. Your options here depend on the permissions you have been given and may include 'subject group', 'site' and 'public' sharing levels. Only you can see a 'private' search.
If you want to schedule the search, set the frequency and time that you want it to run.
If you want to run the search immediately, leave the 'Once' option selected and leave the 'Add search to queue' box checked.
Enter the number of days that you want the search result to remain available in the queue. If you leave this blank, the search result will remain in the queue for 30 days (this default may be changed by your administrator How to change this), or until it is manually removed.
If you don't want to run the search yet, uncheck the 'Add search to queue' box.
Click Save. The search parameters are displayed in the panels on the main Data Reporter screen.
If you chose to run the new search it will be displayed at the top of the queue with a status of 'Queued'. When the status becomes 'Complete', you can view and download the results. You may need to click Refresh to update the status in the queue.
If you didn't choose to run the search, you can do it now by clicking Run. Or you can preview it by clicking Preview.
If the Run button is greyed out, this means the search is already scheduled and cannot be run manually.
Once a search has run, you can view the search reports and download the data in a choice of format.
Click Load Search. If this button is greyed out, you may need to click Clear first to remove the current search from the panels.
Locate the search. You can enter a keyword to find the search, or select one from the tree. The tree shows the four types of search (indicating the sharing level). A cross next to a branch indicates there is at least one search within it. Open the branch for the search type, and then for the study, and then select the search. You can see all your own private searches, all public searches and any searches for sites and subject groups that you have access to.
Click Load to load the search parameters into the panels on the main Data Reporter screen.
You can preview the search to see how it will look and behave in a report. Click Preview to display a static view of the first 20 subjects in a columnar report. Unlike a full report, search previews do not offer ordering, filtering or navigating to eForms.
Click Run. The search will be added to the queue and run. You may need to click Refresh to update the status in the queue. If the search has been scheduled to run another time this schedule won't be affected you running it now.
If the search status shows as 'Error', you can hover over the status to see details of the error.
Once a search has run, you can view the search reports and download the data in a choice of format.
Load the saved search so that the parameters are displayed in the panels on the main Data Reporter screen.
Make your changes to the search parameters and then click Save Search.
To overwrite the existing search, click Save without changing the name. The new search replaces the existing one.
Or to create a new version, change the name and click Save. The new search is created in addition to the existing one.
Note that you can only edit searches created by others if you have the appropriate permissions. If you want to change a public search but don't have permission to save it, you can give it a different name and save it as a new private, subject group or site search.
Click Load Search.
Locate the search and click Delete Search. The search is deleted and is no longer available.
Click Cancel to close the window.
Note that you can only delete saved searches that you did not create if you have the appropriate permissions.
The queue shows all scheduled searches that you have permission to see, and any searches that you initiated by clicking the Run button (no one else can see these).
A maximum of 1000 records are retrieved for a search. You can change this 'Maximum records limit' in Tools > Options > Environment > General.
If a search is scheduled for a later time you can see the next scheduled run time in the 'Repeat Frequency' column.
Searches will remain in the queue for 30 days. How to change this
If an expiry period was set when the search was saved, the 'Days left in queue' columns indicates how many days the report will remain available. You can change this by clicking on the number and then selecting a new date from the calendar.
To manually remove a search from the queue, click the Delete button in the Action column. This does not delete the search itself but removes it from the queue.
To cancel a search that is running, click the Cancel button in the Action column. This will cancel the entire schedule, not just the next scheduled run time, although the search will remain in the queue. Any user can cancel a search if they can see it in the queue. If you want to run a cancelled search, you can re-load it and re-run it.
Administrators can configure various aspects of the Data Reporter tool. See available settings
You can also use the MACRO API to perform many of the tasks described on this page.