Report Management module


Standard reports

The following standard reports are provided in the Reports folder within the MACRO application folder. Some of the reports in this list are marked as sub reports and should only be accessed via the relevant main report. Do not add links directly to sub reports on your home page as the data displayed may not be accurate.


When creating home page links via the Report Management module, use the Target Name and Target Location as listed in the table below. If the Target Location column is blank here then you can leave the Target Location field empty.


You can specify an image to be used at the top of each standard report by adding the CompanyLogo setting to the web.config file.


There are 3 types of report:

Security reports


Target Name

Target Location


Security Functions



Lists all functions carried out in each module in the currently open database.

See example




Lists all users in the currently open security database. For each user, the full username, status (enabled or disabled), first login and last login are displayed.

Contains links to User Login Activity, Failed Login Attempts and User Roles reports.

See example

User Login Activity



Lists all successful logins from earliest to most recent. For each login, the date/time, user, location and activity are displayed.

See example

Failed Login Attempts



Lists all failed logins from earliest to most recent. For each login, the date/time, user, location and activity (reason for failure) are displayed.

See example

User Roles



Lists all users along with their user role and the studies and sites with which they are associated.

See example

Study Definition reports


Target Name

Target Location


Annotated CRF



Produces a multi-page PDF report detailing the study definition with a visual representation of the schedule and each eForm. Questions are displayed with blank fields and are either labelled with the question code to create a record for the study designer, or numbered sequentially to create a paper form that can be used for manual data entry. More help...

See example using question codes

See example using numbers

Study List



Lists all studies in alphabetical order. For each study, the study description and status are displayed.

Contains links to Study Details, Study Schedule, Study Questions, Study Question Details, Study Validations and eForm Summary reports.

See example

Study Details

(Sub report accessed from Study List report)



Lists details of study taken from the study definition.

See example

Study Schedule

(Sub report accessed from Study List report)



Lists each eForm in the study with eForm code, repeat status and whether the eForm is used in a special way such as a visit eForm.

See example

eForm Summary

(Sub report accessed from Study List report)



Displays a count of eForms being used in the study across different visits planned as per visit plan. Data is grouped by study.

Study Questions

(Sub report accessed from Study List report)



Lists each question in the study with question name and any special attributes such as whether it is derived.

See example

Study Question Details

(Sub report accessed from Study List report)



Lists each question in the study with code, name, export code, type and maximum length.

See example

Study Validations

(Sub report accessed from Study List report)



Lists each question in the study that has a validation attached along with validation ID, type, expression and message.

See example

Detailed Study Definition



Lists visits, eForms and questions in the order in which they appear in the study. Includes study details and a visual representation of the visit schedule. Visits and eForms are listed with labels, dates and internal triggers. Each question is listed with name, code, type, format, length, mandatory/optional, RFC, category codes & descriptions, validation expressions & messages, derivation expressions and collect-if conditions.

See example

Data reports


Target Name

Target Location


Adverse Events



Displays details of adverse events. This report requires the following questions to exist in the study definition:

  • A date/time question to capture the date of onset with the code AESTDAT and the format dd/mm/yyyy
  • A text question to capture the adverse event description with the code AETERM and maximum length 50

  • A category question to capture the severity of the event with the code AESER and the values N (No), NA (Not Applicable), U (Unknown), Y (Yes)

See example

Clinical Coding Export



Displays the complete set of clinical coding information for all coded questions at one or all sites for a single study. For each question, it gives:

  • Response value

  • System Organ Class, abbreviation and code

  • High Level Group Term, code and level term

  • Preferred Term and code

  • Lowest Level Term and code

See example

Data Values Changed



Displays responses to questions in the specified study that have been changed more than the specified number of times and have multiple entries in the audit trail.

See example

Missing Data - Study Summary



For each study, the number of missing values, total number of values and % missing is displayed.

See example

Missing Data - Site Summary



For each study, a list of sites is displayed. For each site, the number of missing values, total number of values and % missing is displayed.

See example

Missing Data - Subject Summary



For each study, a list of subjects is displayed. For each subject, the site, number of missing values, total number of values and % missing is displayed.

See example

Missing Data - eForm Summary



For each study/site/subject, a list of eForms is displayed. For each eForm, the number of missing values is displayed.

See example

Site Activation



Displays the current status (active or inactive) of all sites within the specified study/country.

See example

Site Recruitment



Displays the recruitment numbers for the specified study/country/site.

See example

SDV Summary



Lists all the data items (subject, visit, eForm and questions) and their SDV status

and status date for the specified study/country/site.

See example

SDV Details



Lists all questions with SDVs attached, displaying the number of SDVs of each status for each question.

See example

DCR Summary



Lists the number of DCRs of each status for the specified study/country/site.

See example

DCR Details



Lists all DCRs in each study, showing subject/visit/eForm/question, response value, DCR text and priority.

See example

Subject Details



Displays ID, initials, sex and DOB for each subject in the specified study/country/site along with the status for each visit in the schedule. This report requires the following questions to exist in the study definition:

  • A text question to capture subject initials with the code SUBJINIT and maximum length 4

  • A category question to capture gender with the code SEX and the values F (Female), M (Male), U (Unknown)

  • A date/time question to capture date of birth with the code BRTHDAT and the format (dd/mm/yyyy)

See example

Subject Data

(Sub report accessed from Subject Details report)



Displays the status of each visit/eForm/question in the specified study/country/site.

See example

SPSS Export



Displays all unique Visit/eForm/Question combinations of subject data including multiple repeats for a single site and enables you to download the data in a format suitable for import into SPSS.

See example

How to run the report...




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