Data Entry/Review module


Exporting subject data with SPSS Export report

The SPSS Export report is a standard report that enables you to export subject data in a format suitable for import into SPSS. The report must be configured in the REP module to display as a link on the Data Entry home page.

Other subject data export options are available in the System Management module.


To run the report:

  1. From the DE home page, click on the report link (the exact name is specified during configuration)

  2. Click on the study you want to report on. Only studies that you have permission to access are displayed.

  3. Click Export for the site you want to report on.

  4. Enter substitute values for missing data More info

  5. To view the report onscreen before saving to a file, click Display. See example Please note that this option is not suitable for displaying large amounts of data as the web browser may timeout, or display ‘buffer full’ messages.

  6. To save in SPSS format, click Download SPSS and choose to open or save the 'SPSSexport_studyname_site.txt' file. See example

  7. To save in CSV format, click Download CSV and choose to open or save the 'CSVexport.txt' file. See example

The report displays all unique Visit/eForm/Question combinations of subject data for the selected site, including multiple repeats.


The full number of export columns is used for every subject, even if data is not available for all the columns. When more data is entered in the database, and new unique combinations of Visit/Form/Question become available, the report will automatically add these new columns. Since the new columns will appear in logical order in the export file, all operations on the generated dataset should use column headers, not column numbers.


Data values are separated by the vertical bar (|) character. The last data value on each line is ended with a vertical bar (|) character.


Data rows longer than 150 characters are split over several lines.


Text data is not enclosed in quotes

Mapping of data between MACRO and SPSS




(Annn) where nnn is the length of the question


(Fx.0) when only numeric codes exist fir the question

(Ax) when at least one non-numeric code exists.

The size (x) depends on the length of the longest category code


(Fnnn.0) where nnn is the length of the question format string


(Fxxx.yyy) where xxx and yyy represent the the precision from the question format string (e.g. 999.99)


If the format contains both a date and a time: (DATETIME)

If the format only contains a time (TIME)

If the format only contains a date (EDATE)

If the format starts with yyyy (SDATE)


(A20) (Only picture name is exported


Exported as Real


Exported as Text (CC information is not exported)


Date values are exported as follows:



Date value, status ‘missing’ (EDATE)


Date value, status ‘missing’ (SDATE)


Date value, status ‘unobtainable’ (EDATE)


Date value, status ‘unobtainable’ (SDATE)


Date value, status ‘not applicable’ (EDATE)


Date value, status ‘not applicable’ (SDATE)




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