To log in to the Report
Management module, you need the 'Access Reports Module' permission. You
must also have been assigned access to All Studies and All Sites.
If you are setting up the homepage for the first time, we recommend that you use the 'Setting Up the MACRO Homepage' PDF guide. It contains comprehensive information on setting up homepage reports and is available from the MACRO User Community website.
Before you can add items to the homepage you must have enabled it via the DE/DR module.
Each item must first be created and then assigned to a group (which is displayed as a panel on the homepage) and must be enabled for a specific user role. When a user logs into the DE/DR module, they will only see items that have been enabled for their user role.
The following items can be added:
Text - panel titles, announcements, messages
Images - logos, photographs
Links to reports - MACRO has a number of standard reports or you can create your own custom reports
Links to study documents or other file attachments
To create items, you need
the 'Create homepage item' permission.
Creating groups into which
individual items can be placed
Adding items to groups
and setting user permissions
Displaying an image such as a company logo at the top left of the homepage