Data Entry/Review module


Multiple data entry users

If two or more users are using MACRO at the same time, the following rules apply:

Opening the schedule

Any number of users can open and view the visit schedule for a subject as long as the corresponding study definition is not open for editing.

Opening an eForm

If the first user to enter an eForm has permission to change data, the eForm will be locked and displayed as read-only to other users who would like to access the same eForm.

Visit Dates

Only one user at a time may edit the visit date, if one has been specified. The first user to open an eForm in the visit will be able to edit the visit date; the visit date will appear as read-only for any other users who open eForms in the same visit.

When a user opens the first eForm in a new visit, other users cannot open any new eForms in that visit until a valid visit date has been saved.

Saving Subjects

Only one user at a time can save subject data to the database. If another user is currently saving data for same subject when you are trying to save an eForm, a message will be displayed asking you to try again.