Study Definition module


Set functions

If your study includes repeating question groups or repeating visits and eForms, you can use Arezzo set functions on groups of responses. You can see the set function buttons on the Sets tab in the Expression Builder. See image

Help on specifying sets

Using the set functions

The available set functions are as follows:



How many items are in the specified set. For question responses, this is how many questions have non-empty response values.

For example:

count( Screening:Cover:Clinician )

represents the number of responses to the Clinician name question


Only applicable to sets of numbers. The arithmetic mean of the set of numbers.

For example, if 'bpsystolic' is a question in a repeating question group, then

average( bpsystolic )

represents the arithmetic average of the entered values


Only applicable to sets of numbers. The sum of the set of numbers.

For example, if 'score' is a question in a repeating question group, then

sum( score )

represents the arithmetic sum of the values of the entered values


Only applicable to sets of numbers and dates. The minimum value or earliest date in the set.

For example:

min( [enroldate, assessdate] )

represents the earliest of the two dates enroldate and assessdate


Only applicable to sets of numbers and dates. The maximum value or latest date in the set.

For example:

max ( [enroldate, assessdate] )

represents the latest of the two dates enroldate and assessdate


See the Set Operators topic for a description of set membership operators.



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