To add an image to an eForm, you need the 'Add image to eForm' permission.
You can import images into a study from a suitable graphics software package. This can include clip art, logos or any other graphic that you may want to include in an eForm.
Open the eForm to which you wish to add an image by clicking the eForms shortcut button and selecting the relevant tab.
Click the Picture shortcut button.
Click on the eForm at the place where you wish to add the image.
An Open File box will appear. Navigate to find the file you wish to use and select it.
Click Open.
The image will appear on the eForm at your selected place.
If necessary, reposition the image by dragging and dropping it. To do this, left-click on the image, hold down the left mouse button and drag the image to the new position. Release the mouse button to drop the image into position. You can also use the 'lasso' function to move an image on its own or with other items.
It is not possible to edit an image once it has been added to an eForm. To change the image, you need to delete it and insert the new one.
Right click on the image and select Delete Picture from the popup menu.
The image will be deleted immediately.