Study Data Diagnostic Utility


Running a subject data diagnostic report

You can run three types of subject diagnostic report; single subject, site and study. Note that the relevant report buttons and Tools menu options are only enabled if there are subjects available for the selected study and/or site. Each report runs a number of checks to assess the integrity of the data.

Single Subject report

  1. Select a study, site and subject from the drop down lists. Help on this

  2. Click the Subject Report button or select Tools > Subject Reports > Subject Report.

The subject report is written to the message area and also to the M4DiagnosticLog file in the defined output location. You can specify this location by selecting Options > Output folder... The subject report is not generated as a text file.

Site report

  1. Select a study and site from the drop down lists (the selected subject is ignored). Help on this

  2. Click the Site Report button or select Tools > Subject Reports > Site Report.

  3. Click Yes when asked to confirm your action.

The site report is written to a text file and the location of the file is written to the message area. You can specify this location by selecting Options > Output folder...

To cancel the site report during processing, click the Cancel button.

If no problems were found with any subjects, the text "No problem subjects found" is displayed. Otherwise you will see the number of subjects with data inconsistencies.

Study report

  1. Select a study from the drop down list (the selected site and subject are ignored). Help on this

  2. Click the Study Report button or select Tools > Subject Reports > Study Report.

  3. Click Yes when asked to confirm your action.


The study report is written to a text file and the location of the file is written to the message area. You can specify this location by selecting Options > Output folder...

To cancel the site report during processing, click the Cancel button.

If no problems were found with any subjects, the text "No problem subjects found" is displayed. Otherwise you will see the number of subjects with data inconsistencies.



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