Study Data Diagnostic Utility


Understanding the subject diagnostic report

The subject diagnostic report is a text listing, with header lines giving the timestamp of the report and the subject specification. The next line is one of the following:

No problems found - No data inconsistencies were detected

*** Data inconsistencies found – one or more errors were found in the subject's data

No Problems Found

For a subject in which no data inconsistencies are detected, the diagnostic report simply lists counts of various items. For example:

18/04/2012 14:57:46

SUBJECT: Demostudy40/farnham/2 NHB 142X

No problems found

Visit instance count = 8

eForm instance count = 54

Expected Arezzo task instances = 117

Arezzo task instance count = 117

Responses count = 65 (55 non-empty values)

18/04/2012 14:57:46

Data inconsistencies found

If any inconsistencies are found they will be reported in the following categories:

Visit or eForm Deleted

eForm Removed from Visit

Question Deleted

Question Removed from eForm

Question Changed on eForm

Invalid Arezzo

Arezzo Task Inconsistencies

Non-MACRO Arezzo Tasks



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