Study Data Diagnostic Utility


Running the Study Upgrade Expression Checker

  1. Select a study from the Study dropdown list near the top of the main screen.

  2. Select Tools > Study Reports > Arezzo Expression Upgrade Checks. The Expression Upgrade Checks Report window is displayed.

  3. Select whether or not you wish to include validation messages in the report from the Report Type drop down list. Help on this...

  4. Select a report type from the Output Format drop down list. Help on this...

  5. Click Generate Report.


The report is created in the output folder, and its name and location is displayed in the message area in the main window, together with the number of expressions identified which may pose a risk. This information is also echoed to a log file in the output folder. A new log file is created for each day and has a name such as M4_SUEC_Log20121022.log, where 20121022 represents the current date as yyyymmdd.


You can specify the Output folder by selecting Options > Output folder.



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