Management module
Managing a dynamic subject group
The population of a dynamic subject group is controlled by the group
condition. Subjects that meet the condition are included in the group.
A subject is automatically evaluated against all active conditions for
the study whenever the subject is saved, or is revalidated via batch validation,
or is transferred to another site. You can also choose to manually evaluate
subjects at any time.
To evaluate a subject against a group
- Select Tasks > Subject Group
> Subject Group Population...
- The Subject Group Population window is displayed.
- Select the subject group to evaluate against (only active groups
are shown). The subjects who are currently included in this group
are listed in the grid.
- If you want to evaluate subjects from a particular site then select
that site from the dropdown list, or leave it as All Sites.
- Using the subject ID, enter the subject range to evaluate, or leave
the fields blank to evaluate all subjects in the selected site.
- Click Evaluate.
- A message informs you of the number of subjects to be evaluated.
Click Yes to continue.
- Subjects are automatically added and removed accordingly. When
evaluation is complete, the grid is updated to show the new population.
How data entry can affect dynamic subject group population
If a user is granted access to a subject via a dynamic subject group,
and that user enters some data which means that the subject no longer
meets the condition for that group, then as soon as the eForm is saved,
the user will no longer have permission to view the subject and will be
returned to the home page.
Related Topics
subject groups
a static subject group