Management module
Populating a static subject group
The population of a static subject group can occur in two ways:
- By manually adding and removing subjects
- By switching a dynamic group to static. Subjects included in the
dynamic group at the time of the switch are retained but are no longer
affected by the (now inactive) group condition. Help
on this...
To manually add subjects
To add subjects to a subject
group, you need the 'Add subject to
subject group' permission
- Select Tasks > Subject Group
> Subject Group Population...
- The Subject Group Population window is displayed.
- Select the subject group to add subjects to (only active groups
are shown). The subjects who are currently included in this group
are listed in the grid.
- If you want to add subjects from a particular site then select
that site from the dropdown list, or leave it as All Sites.
- Using the subject ID, enter the subject range to add, or leave
the fields blank to add all subjects in the selected site.
- Click Add.
- A message informs you of the number of subjects to be added. Click
Yes to continue.
- The chosen subjects are added and the grid is updated to show the
new population.
To manually remove subjects
To remove subjects from
a subject group, you need the 'Add subject
to subject group' permission
- Select Tasks > Subject Group
> Subject Group Population...
- The Subject Group Population window is displayed.
- Select the subject group to remove subjects from (only active groups
are shown). The subjects who are currently included in this group
are listed in the grid.
- You can reorder individual columns in the grid by clicking a column
header. This can help you to find subjects more easily.
- Select the subject/s to remove.
- Click Remove and then Yes to confirm.
- Or you can remove all subjects from this subject group by clicking
Remove All.
- The chosen subjects are removed and the grid is updated to show
the new population.
Related Topics
subject groups
a dynamic subject group