Data Entry/Review module


Customising the schedule

There are many ways to change the appearance of the schedule:

Highlight the next available eForm

By default, the next available eForm is highlighted on opening the schedule which removes the need to scroll to find it. See example  You can switch this option off in Tools > Options > Schedule. When switched off, the first eForm in the schedule will always be highlighted.

Display gridlines

You can choose to display gridlines on the schedule by selecting the option in Tools > Options > Schedule.

Collapse visits

The default horizontal view (expanded) allows you to see visit names more clearly. See image

The vertical view (contracted) takes less space and gives a more concise view of the schedule. See image

To contract or expand all visit names, right click in a visit name and select Header Options > Contract/Expand Header.

Display only a single visit

You can choose to display only a single visit whilst hiding all the others.  See image

To do this, right click in the visit header that you want to show and select Header Options > Zoom In.

This setting is temporary and will be reset when you close the schedule.

Hide inactive visits

An inactive (greyed out) eForm means that the study designer wants you to complete the eForms in a particular order. The inactive eForm will become active when all the relevant eForms have been completed.

You can choose to hide all inactive visits, right click in the subject cell at the top left of the schedule and select Subject Options > Hide All Inactive Visits.

Hide eForm and visit dates

Once the relevant information has been collected, eForm dates are displayed beneath the eForm icons and visit dates are displayed beneath the visit names. You can choose to switch off the display of eForm and visit dates via Tools > Options > Schedule.

Display eForms of a certain status

You can choose to display only eForms with a particular status whilst hiding all the others. See image

To do this, right click in the subject cell at the top left of the schedule and select Subject Options > Show Only eForms of Status > select status.

To re-display all eForms, select Subject Options > Show All Visits/eForms.



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