There are several ways of opening the DCR browser to display data for questions with a DCR attached:
Select View > Search Panel or click the Open Search Panel icon to open the search panel. Using the search panel
Select DCR from the Data drop down list.
Select your search criteria. More info
Click the Execute search buttonto display the data in the DCR Browser in the main window. What to do if you are told your search exceeds the maximum number of records
You can change the way in which information is grouped and displayed in the browser.
To search for DCRs via the search panel, you need both the 'View data' and 'View DCR' permissions
Questions with attached DCRs are indicated by the following icons:
Raised DCR |
Received DCRS have no status icon |
Responded DCR |
Closed DCR |
Open the relevant eForm.
Right click the question status icon to the right of the question and select DCRs > View from the popup menu.
The DCR Browser is displayed in a window, containing DCR information for the current question only.
Click the Raised DCR status button located on the tool bar to open the DCR browser. It will only display questions in the current study with the status of Raised DCR.
Click the Responded DCR status button located on the tool bar to open the DCR browser. It will only display questions in the current study with the status of Responded DCR.
You can change the number of records displayed on a page and also the maximum number of records retrieved. Set this in Tools > Options > Environment...
To view a DCR on the eForm, you need the 'View DCR' permission