When you delete a question, you delete its definition from the study, and the question will be removed from every eForm in which it was being used. You will not be able to use the question again. Note that this is different from removing a question from an eForm, which simply removes the question from that eForm but does not delete the question definition.
To delete a question from a study, you need the 'Delete question' permission
Before you do this, make sure you definitely want to completely delete the question definition and all its occurrences within your study.
Click the Questions shortcut button located on the toolbar beneath the menus. The question list is displayed.
Right click on the question you wish to delete and select Delete Question Definition from the popup window.
Click Yes to delete the question, or No to abort.
It is sometimes convenient to delete the definitions of all the questions that are not being used anywhere. These questions are shown as Unused questions in the Question List.
Select Edit > Delete Unused Questions.
Click Yes to delete the questions, or No to abort. This will delete the question definitions of all your unused questions.
Note: You should not delete a question from a study once that study has been opened for subject data entry.