There is one default password policy for each database covering all sites. This policy can be customised.
You can also set up a separate policy to deal with forgotten passwords for DE/DR users.
To change the password policy, you need the 'Administer password policy' permission
The policy cannot be changed from a remote site.
Select File > Password Policy. The Password Policy Editor is displayed.
Make your changes and click OK to apply your changes or Cancel to return to the System Management screen without making changes.
Enter a minimum and maximum figure in the relevant boxes. Users must choose passwords whose lengths lie within the range you have specified (maximum of 100 characters). The default settings are minimum 6 and maximum 15.
Passwords may not contain the characters ' | ~ " but may contain spaces.
Specifying these options can improve password security.
Checking Mixed case forces users to include at least one upper case and one lower case letter in their passwords.
Checking At least one numerical digit forces users to include at least one numerical digit in their passwords.
Specifying these options can make passwords more convenient for users.
Checking Allow repeating of characters allows users' passwords to include repeating characters. No more than four repetitions of any character are allowed.
Checking Allow portion of username allows users' passwords to include [some or all of] their user names.
Specifying these options can improve password security.
Checking Check against previous passwords prevents users from repeating earlier passwords. Type a number into the text box to specify how many previous passwords the system will remember.
Checking Require password expiry period causes users' passwords to expire after a given number of days. Type the number of days before expiry into the text box.
When a password expires, the next time the user logs into MACRO, they will be alerted that their password has expired and they will be forced to create a new one.
System administrators' passwords never expire.
Checking Require account lockout means that if someone enters an incorrect password a specified number of times, that account will lock, making access impossible. If this happens, the account has to be reset by someone with the correct permissions. Type the number of attempts allowed before lockout into the text box.
System administrators are never locked out.