To create a new user, you need the 'Create user' and 'Edit user' permissions
Creating an individual user is the second step in creating users and assigning them roles. To do this, you must have already created a user role and created and registered the databases in which the users will work.
After creating the users, you will need to assign each user a role on each database to which they have access.
It is important that you create a user for every person who will need to log in to MACRO. Personnel should only ever log in with their own user name and password, as actions are linked to users. You will only be able to trace who did what if everyone has their own login details.
Select User > New User... The New User window is displayed.
Enter the user name for this user. This is the user name that will be asked for at login. Rules for creating user names
Enter the full real name of the user. This is needed for FDA requirements and is displayed in each module, along with the user name. Rules for creating full names
Enter a temporary password for this user. When the new user first logs into MACRO, they will be alerted that their password is only temporary and will be forced to create a new one. This is a security feature to prevent anyone other than the user knowing the password. Passwords must conform to the password policy set up by the system administrator.
Enter the password again for confirmation purposes.
From the drop down list, select the system administrator who is to be responsible for dealing with forgotten passwords in the DE/DR module.
Enter the email address to be used in the case of a forgotten password in the DE/DR module. Note that users can change this email address directly from the Web DE/DR module. Rules for email addresses
Check Enabled to activate the new user.
Ignore the Locked Out check box. This is automatically checked if the user becomes locked out of a module.
Check the system administrator box to assign system administrator rights to the new user. More about system administrators... This check box is only enabled if you are a system administrator.
The Active Directory User checkbox is unused in the current version.
Click Apply to save the new user.
Click a database icon in the tree on the left hand side of the screen to display a list of users who have permission to access that database.
To edit an existing user, you need the 'Edit user' permission
You may return to edit an existing user at any time. The change will take effect the next time that the user logs in.
Click on the user in the tree on the left hand side of the screen to display the user details.
Change the details and click Apply to save your changes.
Note that if you are not a System Administrator user, you cannot change the details of any other users who are system administrators.
You cannot delete an existing user but you can deactivate them.
If a deactivated user attempts to log in to MACRO (either via a module or via the MACRO API), a message is displayed informing them that their account has been deactivated and advising them to contact their system administrator for more information.
To deactivate a user, uncheck the 'Enabled' checkbox on the User Details screen and click Apply.
You can choose to hide/show deactivated users from the main list by toggling User > View Deactivated Users.
A user may be locked out of MACRO either due to leaving it untouched for longer than the timeout period or to having entered an incorrect login more times than is permitted by the password policy. Once locked out of one module, access to all modules is prevented until the user is unlocked.
To unlock a user, uncheck the 'Lock' checkbox on the User Details screen and click Apply.