Batch Data Loading module


Editing and deleting items in the response buffer

If you edit individual responses in the response buffer, the original import file is not changed.

To edit an item in the response buffer:

  1. Highlight the item you want to edit. This will enable the Edit and Delete buttons.

  1. Click Edit. This will copy the data into the Batch Response Entry Interface and enable the Change and Cancel Edit buttons.

  2. Make any changes you need in the Batch Response Entry Interface.

  3. Click Change to change the item in the Response Buffer, or Cancel Edit to reject any changes.

You can then upload items from the Response Buffer into your database.

To delete an item from the Response Buffer

  1. Highlight the item you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete. The item will disappear from the Response Buffer.

To delete multiple items from the Response Buffer

  1. Highlight the first item you want to delete. Then either:

  2. If the items are all in a block, press Shift and click the final item in the block; or

  3. Control-click on each item separately. The items to delete will be highlighted.

  4. Click Delete. All the highlighted items will disappear from the Response Buffer.



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