Use the middle part of the screen to select the revalidation options.
By default, the batch validation log file lists all visit and eForm details for each subject being revalidated whether or not any changes have been made as a result of the revalidation process. If you wish to see only those eForms for which changes have been made, select the Log Changes only checkbox.
If you select the Single eForm only checkbox, the eForm list in the upper half of the screen becomes available, containing all eForms in the selected study. Use this eForm list if you only want to revalidate a particular eForm for the selected subjects.
Leave the Save changes checkbox selected to save all changes resulting from revalidation to the MACRO database. If you do not want changes saved, uncheck the box. Changes will still be reported in the validation log file but will not be saved to the MACRO database. This enables you to view the changes that revalidation will cause before committing to them.
Please note that if you add new visits or eForms to a study definition and then revalidate existing subjects, any new visit and eForm instances (but not the question responses) are saved to the subject schedules regardless of whether you choose to save changes.
If you select the CSV output checkbox, a CSV file will be created in addition to the log file.
The CSV file only reports the changes that have occurred during batch validation. If no changes occur, the file will contain only a header row, regardless of whether or not you have selected 'Log changes only' (as this option only affects the content of the log file). So, for a particular subject, if no changes occur and there is no automatic unfreezing/unlocking, no entries will appear in the CSV file for that subject.
The CSV file will have the same name as the log file you have specified, but with ‘_csv’ added to the file name and with an extension of ‘.csv’.
Batch validation cannot be carried out on frozen or locked data. You can temporarily unfreeze/unlock data by selecting the Auto Unfreeze and/or Auto Unlock check boxes. This will unfreeze/unlock any data which is already frozen/locked.
To automatically refreeze/relock the data again after batch validation has run, leave the Auto Refreeze and/or Auto Relock check boxes selected. This will ensure that the freeze/lock status of all data is reset to how it was before the revalidation.
Please note that if you uncheck the Auto Refreeze/Relock options, data will remain unfrozen/unlocked after the revalidation process has completed and there will be no way of automatically refreezing/relocking it at a later date. You would need to perform this task manually using information from the BV log file or the Freeze/Lock audit trail (accessed via the Freeze/Lock History version of the Search panel in the Data Entry module).
As automatic unfreezing and unlocking are complex actions, selecting them may slow the overall batch validation process.
Click here for more help on the behaviour and consequences of auto freezing/locking.