Study Definition module


Copying items from another study

As different studies often use identical or very similar questions, you can copy questions and eForms into your study from another study. It is usually quicker to do this, and adapt the items where necessary, rather than to create them again. Once copied, you can edit the question or eForm to suit your needs.

It is not possible to copy question groups from one study to another.

Note: It is not possible to copy items into the library from another study.

To copy items from another study, you need the 'Copy question from other study' permission

To copy an item into the question list

To copy a question directly onto an eForm

Note: You can only copy items from another study into the study you currently have open. If you wish to copy an item from your current study to another study, you must first close your study, then open the other study and then proceed as above.

Skipping and overwriting items

When you copy items from another study, sometimes the items will already exist in the current study. For example, when copying an eForm, you might already have an eForm of that name, or one or more of its questions or groups may already exist in your study.

If you try to copy an item which already exists in your current study, you will see a message asking if you would like to rename the item. To create a duplicate item, click Yes and enter a new code for the item. This will leave the existing item in your current study untouched.

Copying entire studies

It is also possible to copy an entire study definition within a database.

CDASH eForm Library

A set of eForms containing CDASH-compliant questions is provided in the CDASH Study Template.sdd file, located in the In Folder within the application folder. You can import this study into your database and use it as a library, copying questions from it into your study definition.



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