This is a list of predefined Arezzo terms which represent information about the study, subject, user, or visit/eForm/question. You can use these terms anywhere in your Arezzo expressions and conditions.
The terms are all available as buttons on the Study tab in the Expression Builder.
You can also see a list of all the terms in alphabetic order.
Expression |
Description |
person:clinicaltrialname |
The code of the current study. |
person:trialsite |
The site code of the current subject. |
person:personid |
The integer identifier assigned to the current subject. The identifier is unique within the study and site. |
person:subjectidentifier |
The text identifier assigned to the current subject during registration. If your study does not use registration, this will always be blank. |
person:country |
The name of the country to which the current site belongs. The site's country is specified when a site is created in the System Management module. |
If you want to disable certain eForms until a subject has been registered, you can use the condition
isknown( person:subjectidentifier )
as an internal trigger on the relevant eForms.
If you want to enable certain questions for certain sites only, you can use the current site in a question's Collect if condition. For example, setting the condition to be
person:trialsite = 'darwin'
would enable the question only at the site Darwin.
Similarly, you could disable an eForm for a particular site, using the following condition as an internal trigger
person:trialsite <> 'perth'
You can use person:trialsite and person:country as question derivation expressions to display the current site and country on an eForm.
Expression |
Description |
user:username |
The full name of the currently logged-on user. |
user:userrole |
The user role of the currently logged-on user. It is not suitable to use this expression in a "Collect if" condition, as the value will change as different users log on and open eForms which may result in fields becoming disabled and deleted. The best way of ensuring that questions can only be answered by users with specific roles is to add authorisation. |
Expression |
Description |
question:username |
The full name of the user who has answered the specified question. This is most useful when displaying the name of the user who has answered an authorisation question. For example, the expression signature:username will display the full name of the user who has answered a question called 'signature'. |
question:ctcgrade |
The CTC grade of the named laboratory test question, displayed as an integer from 1 to 4. If the question is not of the type 'laboratory test' or does not have a CTC grade, the result of this expression will be blank. |
question:nrstatus |
The Normal Range status of the named laboratory test question, displayed as a single text character; 'N', 'H' or 'L'. If the question is not of the type 'laboratory test' or does not have a Normal Range status, the result of this expression will be blank. |
The following terms refer to the current object, and can only be used exactly as follows. You can’t use them with actual Visit, eForm or Question codes. The current object is the one for which the Arezzo expression is being evaluated, i.e. the visit and/or eForm and/or question to which the validation, 'Collect if' condition or derivation belongs.
Term |
Type |
Meaning |
question:cycle |
Integer |
The cycle number (i.e. row number) of the current question |
form:cycle |
Integer |
The cycle number of the current eForm |
visit:cycle |
Integer |
The cycle number of the current visit |
question |
Text |
The code of the current question |
form |
Text |
The code of the current eForm |
visit |
Text |
The code of the current visit |
form:date |
Date/time |
The date of the current eForm |
visit:date |
Date/time |
The date of the current visit |
me:value |
The value of the question being validated |
The first cycle of a question, eForm or visit has a cycle number of 1.
A non-cycling question, eForm or visit has a cycle number of 1.
Within validation conditions, you should always use the special term me:value to refer to the value of the question being validated rather than using the code of the question itself Why not?
For example, the validation condition
me:value =< BPSystolic
is true if the value of the question being validated is less than or equal to the value of the BPSystolic question on the same eForm.