Data Entry/Review module


Toolbar icons

The icons available in the toolbar at the top of the module change according to the type of information open in the main window. Some of the icons have corresponding menu options.


Create new subject (only available if you have the 'Create subject and View data' permissions)

The Print button performs the following actions, depending on what is currently displayed in the main part of the screen (only available if you have the 'View data' permission):

  • Print eForm

  • Opens the Print Preview window for Data, Audit Trail, DCR, Note and SDV Browsers

Open the home page

Open the Subject List (only available if you have the 'View data' permission)

Open the Search panel (only available if you have the 'View data' permission)

Opens the Data Reporter (only available if you have been given access)

Open the Subject QuickView List (only available if you have the 'View data' permission)

Open the Schedule QuickView (only available if you have the 'View data' permission)

Open the Symbols and Function Keys panel

Open the data browser, displaying all subjects/visits/eForms/questions with the status of Missing (only available if you have the 'View data' permission)

Display a list of all items with the status of 'Planned SDV' (only available if you have been given permission to view SDV marks)

Display a list of all items with the status of 'Queried SDV' (only available if you have been given permission to view SDV marks)

Display a list of all items with the status of 'Raised DCR' (only available if you have been given permission to view DCRs)

Display a list of all items with the status of 'Responded DCR' (only available if you have the 'View DCR' permission)

Custom icons

Any custom toolbar buttons will be displayed here. Administrators can set these up by editing the web.config file.


When an eForm is open the following icons are also displayed:

Saves the current eForm

Save and move to previous eForm in schedule

Move to previous eForm in schedule without saving

Move to next eForm in schedule without saving

Save and move to next eForm in schedule

Save and close the current eForm and return to the schedule

Close Current eForm. Use this to close the current eForm without saving and return to the schedule. If you have any unsaved data on the eForm, you will be asked if you wish to save it before closing. This icon appears in the toolbar at the top of the screen.




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