Most of the Library Management menus are shared with the Study Definition module. Several of these File menu options are only relevant to the Study Definiton module and so are not available here.
New |
Unavailable in this module. |
Open |
Unavailable in this module. |
Export |
Unavailable in this module. |
Import |
Unavailable in this module. |
Import from 3.0 |
Unavailable in this module. |
Close |
Unavailable in this module. |
Arezzo Memory Settings |
Use this to allocate extra memory for large studies. |
Delete Study |
Unavailable in this module. |
Copy Study |
Unavailable in this module. |
Database lock administration |
Use this to remove database locks which may have been left over after an error. |
Use this to print a single eForm or all the eForms in the study. |
Print Setup |
Use this to specify your preferred print settings. Defaults are set. This is the standard MS Windows Print window. For help on the options, press the Windows Start button, select Help and browse the system. |
View Page Breaks |
Use this to see how much of an eForm will fit onto a printed page. |
Stand by |
Use this to temporarily lock the module without exiting. You will need to enter your password to continue with your session. |
Exit |
Use this to exit from the module. |
Some of the options are only enabled under certain circumstances.
Question Definition |
Use this to amend the definition of the selected question. This includes name, type, format, validation, derivation and help text. |
eForm |
Use this to amend the definition of the selected eForm. This includes title, date, labels, numbering, Reason for Change, question skip conditions and authorisation. |
Caption |
Use this to amend the wording of the selected question or comment. |
Question groups |
Use this to amend the definition of repeating question groups. |
Delete |
Use this to delete the selected eForm. |
Delete Unused Questions |
Use this to delete any questions that have not been placed on an eForm or have not been added to a question group. |
Delete Unused Question Groups |
Use this to delete any question groups that have not been placed on an eForm. |
The active function in the view menu is preceded by a check mark. If you select a different window, the newly selected one will become the active window and will be represented by a check mark.
Across the top of the main screen is a row of large buttons. The first two are shortcuts to two of the options on the View menu. The buttons are shown with the relevant options below.
When a shortcut button is pressed, the relevant window will open. When the button is pressed again, that window will close. Once opened, windows can be moved around the screen and you can have more than one open at once.
Study Details |
Use this to open the Study Details window. From here, you can enter or edit basic study details, specify questions to be used in the creation of subject labels, set up registration, enter reasons for change and keep track of any required questions. This option is disabled in the Library Management module. |
Question List
Use this to open the question list panel. This list contains all of the questions in the study, organised into the eForms in which they appear. |
Use this to open the eForms panel. This consists of a row of tabs, each one corresponding to an eForm in the study. Clicking on a tab displays the eForm beneath the tabs. |
Visits |
Use this to display the schedule. This a grid, with the study visits across the top and each eForm down the left hand side. eForm icons are placed within the grid to show at which visit each eForm should be completed. This option is disabled in the Library Management module. |
Arezzo |
Use this to open the InferMed Composer. This is a separate application that can be used to add scheduling constraints to the study. This option is disabled in the Library Management module. |
References |
Use this to open the references window. In here, you can select files to attach to the study. These files will then be available for reference during data entry. This option is disabled in the Library Management module. |
Library |
Use this to open the library question list. In here, you can copy questions and eForms from the library into your own study. This option is disabled in the Library Management module. |
List of Other Studies |
Use this to display a list of other studies within the current database. From here, you can copy questions and eForms from another study into yours. |
Group Question List by eForm |
Select this option to display the list of questions within their respective eForm folder. De-select the option to display the eForm folder name(s) within each question. The latter is useful to track repetitive usage of a question in eForms. |
Display Question List by Name |
Select this option to display the list of eForms and questions by name. De-select the option to display the list by question and eForm code. |
Display Question List eForms Alphabetically |
Select this option to display eForms in alphabetical order in the question list. De-select the option to display them in schedule order. |
Arezzo Terms Report |
Select this option to display a report on the correctness of all Arezzo terms defined within the study. |
Some of the options are not relevant to the Library Management module and so are permanently greyed out.
Question |
Use this to create a new question. |
Question group |
Use this to create a new question group |
eForm |
Use this to create a new eForm. |
Visit |
Use this to create a new visit. This option is disabled in the Library Management module. |
Font |
Use this to change the font type and style of text. |
Font Colour |
Use this to change the font colour of text. |
Background Colour |
Use this to change the background colour of an eForm. |
Change to |
Use this to change the appearance of a question field on an eForm. |
Defaults |
Use this to set defaults for font, font colour and background colour. |
Auto Caption |
When this option is ticked, the question caption is included when a question is added to an eForm. Click here for more help. |
eForm Grid |
Use this to determine whether a grid is used to position questions on an eForm. Click here for more help. |
Combined Caption/Control Movement |
When this option is ticked, a question and its caption are moved together when moving a question round an eForm. Click here for more help. |
Automatic Numbering |
When this option is ticked, questions are automatically numbered when they are added to eForms. |
Hide Icons |
When this option is ticked, status icons will not be displayed for questions when they are added to eForms. You can always override this setting for individual questions. Note that status icons will still be displayed in the Data Browser. |
Hide Icons in RQGs |
When this option is ticked, status icons will not be displayed for questions in repeating question groups added to eForms. You can always override this setting for individual questions. Note that status icons will still be displayed in the Data Browser. |
Use option buttons ... |
Use this option to determine when to use the option button format for category questions when they are placed on an eForm. |
Reason for Change |
When this option is ticked, all questions will automatically have their Reason for Change flag set when they are added to eForms. |
Standard Formats |
Use this option to specify the formats available when creating questions that require text, numeric or date/time data responses. |
Study Phases |
Use this option to specify the names for each of the various phases in a study to be used when entering study details. |
Units and Conversion Factors |
Use this option to specify the units of measurement available when creating questions whose responses require a measurement. Unit conversion is not available in the current version of MACRO. |
Validation Type |
Use this option to specify the types of validation available when creating individual questions. |
Study Type |
Use this option to specify the study types available when setting a question to be required for studies of a certain type |
Normal Ranges and CTC |
Use this option to specify the sets of ranges to be used when validating laboratory test question responses. |
Through the use of the shortcut buttons, it is possible to have open several different windows at once. The Window menu always displays a list of those windows that are currently open. The active window is preceded by a check mark. If you select a different window, the newly selected one will become the active window.
User Guide |
This opens the help system. |
About MACRO |
This will display basic information about the module such as version number and copyright details. |
Related Topics
About the Library Management module